Bonus Chapter : Thanksgiving

Start from the beginning

I pulled her dress up and rest my hands on her bare stomach, instantly i felt the baby move, Vivian facial expression changed and i could tell she felt that. "I honestly cannot wait for her to get out of me. When i carried the twins i didn't experience this much pain or swelling." she whined i chuckled and pecked her lips. 

"Well let her stay in there for a minute. Don't be jinxing yourself and she's born later on." Vivian glared at me. 

"Shut up." 



"Chris don't pinch my breast!" i scold but i ended up laughing. We were in our bedroom and i needed his help to put on this dress i wanted to wear. It was a simple black dress but i need it to be zipped in the back. 

He zipped it up and stopped messing with my body, i walked into the bathroom and pulled all my hair up into a ponytail. I heard the front door open and people talking so i guess the rest of Chris' family had arrived. This was the second year we've had Thanksgiving dinner here because the last two were in Virginia. 

"Keeis!" i heard the girls scream, it was funny when they see him now since they actually like him. When they were younger they didn't exactly like him because he always scared them. 

"You look beautiful baby." Chris spoke, he kissed my inner neck and hugged me from behind. 

"Thanks.. Now lets go downstairs I'm starving." i went back into the room and slipped my feet into some baby doll shoes before making my way downstairs. Chris family greeted me with hugs and a few rubs on my stomach. I saw Lytrell talking to Nylah and Noella, they loved their auntie and she comes down here more often to see them. Me and Lytrell aren't enemies, we actually became a little closer over the years. 

"Hey Vivian." She waved before walking over to me and giving me a small hug. "You've gotten so big." She exclaimed, i nodded and smiled a bit. 

Well.. My stomach wasn't suppose to stay the size of a cantaloupe forever.. 

I need to stop with this sarcastic thoughts. 

"When are you due again?"

"December 29th," I answered, it was close to Christmas but it was alright. "Food done so if go sit." Mama J spoke, Chris and I family got along just fine so it was cool to see both sides at the same time. 

"Vivian i hope this is your last time getting pregnant by that dumb ass." Keeis spoke, his girlfriend Taylor hit his arm as he stared at my stomach. 

"Stop calling my baby names, but no promises though." I was serious. I wanted a boy and I'm more than sure Chris wants one too so that's the next try. 

"Mommy we bout to eat!" Noella looked up at me. i reached my arms out and she extended hers so i could pick her up. I walked into the dinning room and sat Noella in a chair next to me, Nylah could've had her own seat but she wanted to sit on Chris lap. It's funny with them because they're always arguing than she's always under him. 

My mouth watered a bit looking at the food, i was hungry and  Chris was only letting me eat anything since it was the Holiday because any other day he'll be up making me a dinner with foods that helps the baby healthy. Over the months within this pregnancy he even stopped eating his snacks so i wouldn't try to find them and eat them. Well, thanks to Hood, he gave Chris the idea. 

When everybody was seated, We said grace and got to passing the food around. I helped make Nylahs and Noella's plates, they weren't picky, my babies knew how to eat. When i was finished with their plate i made sure i got a little bit of everything, i had to keep small portions. 

I felt somebody kick my shin and i looked over at Chris and he had a smug look on his face. He's so childish. "Don't kick me you fool." i muttered, a few people laughed and Chris said 'sorry' knowing he did it on purpose. 

"V, you ready for the baby to come?" Chris aunt asked i nodded quickly, i was getting restless and i wasn't liking it. And, i wanted my baby in my arms. Everybody started to chat among themselves as i finished my plate, i didn't feel like getting no more on mines so i took my fork and ate some of Chris' mac and cheese. He smacked his lips when i reached my fork for the second time. 

"You could've gotten some more." 

I stuck my tongue out a little, "But i didn't so ha." 

"You two are something." my mom smiled and everybody laughed. "Anything planned after the baby is born?" 

This time Chris spoke, "Vivian was thinking about getting our vows renewed." 


"I'm so tired..." i moaned out which turned into a yawn, I laid in the bed as Chris took off his shirt. The girls were sound asleep and its been three hours since everybody left. After the dinner, the men went and watched the football game and i lounged around dozing off as the women talked. Nylah and Noella was having a ball since their were other kids here. 

"Your sexy." i muttered staring at Chris.. I might've been gawking at him but whelp. 

"Thank you?" he said with a lifted eyebrow. 

"Come cuddle with me." 

"What's the magic word?" i narrowed my eyes at him. Why would he say that? 

"Donor, can you please come cuddle with me?" 

He shook his head and walked towards the dresser. "Why can't you cuddle with me? All im trying to do is tell you how thankful i am to have you." 

He laughed and grabbed his things and went into the bathroom. "I swear your mean as fuck." i mumbled, how was he just going to leave me in here by myself like that?

"Love you too Vivian." 

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