Chapter 4

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I mean no harm to those who believe in God but it's mentioned in this chapter so please don't take it personally.

~Eren's P.o.v ~

It was the day of my dad's funeral. I didn't want to go, I didn't want to cry, he didn't deserve it. All he did was tell me I was wrong, but now I'm finally more me and he isn't here to stop me from being who I am anymore. I'm not happy but I'm happier. That's enough for me right now.

We sat in the car slowly driving to the cemetery. I promise myself that I won't cry, I'm weak if I break it. He did nothing good Eren don't you dare cry over him, I thought. Suddenly the car stopped and we were at our destination.

We stood around the coffin, my eyes were locked on the ground and I listened to the pastor talk about God and hevean and shit, like he'll go to heaven, not a chance and if God exists what have he done to me that is good?
We don't really believe in God but we still do some traditions. Like this funeral.

People said different speaches about him and I made a mistake. I looked up at my mother when it was her turn. She was crying heavily. And her speach got to me. " I know he wasn't the most reasonable person but he was my husband.. My wonderful husband... He gave me a beautiful and handsome son that I'm so so proud of and I bet he is and was too... He was just a little worried in his own way.. I love him and I always will.. Ill miss him... Eren your father loved you... He just didn't understand you as I do. "

A tear rolled down my cheek and I failed, I failed myself, I was nothing but weak. Just like a girl and I hated it I hated crying in front of people and my mother. The worst thing is I cried over him and what she said was probably true. I was loved by him. And I knew I loved him too.

~After the weekend ~

It was school and I was in a new art class. A mixed one. It was both freshman to seniors. I sat at the back alone, until someone sat down next to me. I looked up at him and my eyes widen a bit, Levi sat next to me. I didn't say anything I just sat quietly and doodled on a paper while the teacher talked.

"Ok class I want you to do a group project until next Monday," she looked around and continued "you'll draw a picture of your partner and then write things on the back that you've learned and or notised about them. No mean comments and no sighing. The person sitting next to you is your partner. Dismissed"

Everyone stood up and walked out while starting to talk to their partner. Except for me. I sat there frozen. I didn't want him to recognize me. "Hey brat here's my number just in case and we'll start working on it in tomorrows class ok?" I nodded and then ran away.

I groaned lodly into my pillow. Whyyy. Didn't. I. Say. Somthig. I'm so stupid. But I'm so lucky at the same time. Im so happy I get to talk to him again. I'll send a text to him. No. Yes. Noo. C'mon just do it Eren. I pickles up the phone and send a hi.

ME: Hi. It's the boy from art class.

LEVI: Sup boy from art class. I'm Levi.

ME: Eren.

LEVI: Why did you ran away i wanted to talk about our project.

ME: Didn't you say we'd do it tomorrow?

LEVI: Yeah I said start we still need to talk and plan. But whatever we can do it tomorrow. Cya.

ME: Ok sorry. Cya.

I shut off my phone and sighed. He was mad. I should have just stayed and talked to him like everyone else.
I sighed again and then my phone went off.

LEVI: It's cool brat. cya tomorrow.

I smiled. Good everything was ok. I ate dinner with my mom and watched some TV with her. It was a great movie on and we had a really good night together. Later she had fallen asleep on the couch. I put a blanket over her and went to my own room to sleep.

~Levi's P.o.v ~

After school I was understood what Erin meant that day. She or i should say he was trans. Eren is Erin that explains a lot. I wanted to ask him about it but I dint want him to feel worse than he probably already does.

I would talk to eren more but I had a new job. I wanted to stay with Kutchel and I know she's having a hard time with money so I'll work to. I'll do what I have to do to stay here with her. I worked at a store it was an ok job I got payed enough and the owner was nice. Things were going good.

~ok so I got the idea from another fiction I read so if you recognize it that's why. I thought it was good so I decided to use it so I just wanted to say I didn't come up with the idea I'd definitely tag the person but I don't remember who it was sorry ~

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