The Scar

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"Listen, I don't really like speaking alien. I'm not sure if you can understand me but....You three better move along if you know what's good for you."

He spoke in human language, the way he said it is no doubt that he is not friendly. The tone of it was really hostile. Not only that, I was out of my mind. He spoke human language! Human!

My eyes pretty practically bulging out of their own socket. At the time, I have learn a few human language so I could understand him but my two allies couldn't. Not yet at least, but I don't need to tell them that this viper means business. And here I thought I was the first alien to speak human aside from the Elders.

"You're.....You're a male. A male viper!" I exclaim in human language, pointing at him.

"Yea yea, I just act like a female during the transmission I know. But move along now, or this is gonna get dirty." The black viper casually replies and does another threat, I hope that he would be surprise at the fact that I could also speak human but he seems not interested at all. I wanted to know more about him but he looks like he is going to strike any second.

"W-Wait! I....We're not looking for trouble!" I exclaim once more, showing him both of my palms as a sign to "Stop".

"Trouble? I'm not looking for trouble either....BUT I'M DOWN TO FIGHT!" For a second he looks confuse before he says those words with his jaws curving into a smile.

As quick as a lightning, the viper pulls out its sledgehammer from his back. At the sight of this, me, Viskaton and Zorm automatically reacts against a threat. All three of us ready our weapon, for me a plasma rifle, common choice for an alien. Viskaton has a storm gun which could burst multiple plasma shots in a single trigger, but with firepower costs accuracy as its shots are spread the further the target is, sorta like a shotgun that the humans use. Zorm prepares the plasma blaster at his right wrist while his other hand glows a purplish aura as he can use psionic abilities.

All of us acted on instinct against the male viper as it slithers towards us at high speed, I was already aiming at the viper and ready to shoot. The barrel of my weapon makes a hissing noise before I could feel the recoil of the gun firing. I wasn't aiming specifically, just roughly in his direction. I expected the viper to do some maneuvers to avoid my shot but instead he dodges forward and INTO my shots with one of his hand covering his head.

The shot was about to directly hit him square at the head but he covers it with his armored gauntlet, causing the shot to be reflected somewhere to the sky. That action astonished my squad, we were looking at the blue cloud to where that plasma shot went. A shout from the viper snap us back into our senses.

"What's wrong?! Too distracted of what's at the sky?!"

As all of us look back at the viper, he was at least 10 feet away instead of 10 meters earlier. The sledgehammer on his right hand, holding just below the head providing an easy hold with just one hand while the other one was using as a 'shield'. I was aiming again with my plasma rifle but at this rate I might not be able to have enough time to fire another shot. So I shouted my squad's tank.


Without wasting any time, the hulking automaton rushes pass me to intercept the viper with a striking punch. Viskaton's heavy footstep was enough to tell that a punch from him was an even heavier impact but the viper doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. As they got closer to a clash, Viskaton readies a strike with his right fist while the other one was occupied holding the storm gun. The viper holds his sledgehammer with both of his hands and challenges Viskaton's strike. Is he seriously going to clash against an andromedon in a strength match?!

Just before their attack were going to connect, the viper dodges under Viskaton's strike at the last second. The andromedon's powerful fist missed the viper, barely grazing his head while the viper unleashes its strength to one of Viskaton's mechanical leg. The mighty swing of the sledgehammer connects to Viskaton's right knee, causing some sparks to be free as Viskaton falls onto one knee.

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