Is It Destiny?

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I was a year old when the aliens invaded Earth, still a baby back then. My entire childhood was living in isolation from the world outside. Staying in a resistance base as they call it, a confine space that has houses to keep us warm in the place that the base is located with several other families there. The base is surrounded by tall trees due to it being in a snowy forest. Growing up there is not to my liking and makes me curious about the world outside. Everyday, I could hear the adults talking about the Xcom and the aliens stuff. They said once the children has aged enough they would train us to become Xcom soldiers. For me being a fifteen years old at that time, I have not a clue what do the aliens do and have never met one before, I've only seen it through the television about propaganda or something.

First of all, the resistance base I was living in is located in Siberia. Siberia is the region making up nearly all of Northern Asia. It is made up of the central and eastern portions of Russia. It is also well known for its harsh winter especially during January and as well as its extensive history of use by Russian and Soviet government as a place for prisons, labor camps and internal exile. How do I know this stuff you may ask? Well, Adrian taught me so. 

My mother and father have passed away after the alien assault on that resistance base that night, guess that makes me an orphan. An orphan adopted by an alien, geez can my life get into any more unexpected terms of event? Well I shouldn't complain I suppose, at least Adrian does not work with the other aliens. Honestly, sometimes I see Adrian as a father idol. The way he interacts with me and how he treats me. Sure he can be a big doofus at times because he always makes bad jokes and tell silly stories but from time to time he can also be caring and protective.

Heh, I could still remember the first time I met him. It was way different on how I look at him now than before. Back then when we first met, I was so scared and shocked that I even forgot how to breathe. But now that I get to know him, our bonds are like brother and sister. That one time I punch him at the shoulder because he tells a stupid and funny story that makes no sense at all. I feel like I didn't even punch him that hard but he covers his shoulder and makes a pity and playful "Oww...." The good times, I wish humans and aliens could treat each other the same as we do. Still, The day that I met him was the most lucky and terrifying day for me. I could still remember that night at the back of my head, like it just happen yesterday.


It was a snowy and quiet night, the sounds of owls hooting filling the ambiance. The snowflakes hailing down slowly and covering the ground and the roof of the houses with snow. The moonlight shining down at the place, making it more easily to see at a distance around the base. I was outside walking along the fences around the base after hearing the notice speech that they gave to children everyday to warn them about the aliens, and most of time I wasn't even listening because its too boring and uninteresting. Walking outside at the edge of the base's border has always been my hobby, looking between the tall trees to see the darkness beyond that. Filling my curiosity to know what is out there. Then I decided to go to my 'cliff side' that I discover during my time living here. 

On my way there, I stumble upon Aron. He is wearing a black coat and an ushanka, you know the fur caps with ear flaps that russian peoples wear as a hat in cold weather. He is holding a rifle as he looks at me, letting out a visible cold breath. I'm not an expert in weapons like most people always explain it to the top, for example, Glock-9 and AK-47 or whatever. But from what I can tell its an assault rifle. Aron is the grumpy guy who always grunts when someone asks him to do something.

"Going somewhere, Bella?" Aron said, his suspiciousness kicking in.

"Umm, how about you? Going somewhere?" I mumble for a moment, thinking of something to say before a light bulb lit above my head. 

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