07 | majesty

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"ugh i can't find anything to wear!" i complain from my wardrobe to molly who stood just in the doorway of the small space.

"you should wear the black dress your mum got you," molly suggests, causing me to flash her a smile.

dumbass, why didn't you think of that?

"i'll go grab it for you, finish straightening your hair so we can go," she says, which then leads me to give her a slight nod and exit my wardrobe.

molly heads downstairs to grab the dress that ended up back downstairs when i was showing my grandparents all the presents i had received.

i take a seat at my wooden desk in the corner of my room which had a simple mirror in front of it and a few makeup products scattered on it, along with a pile of homework from who knows when that i was never going to do.

my hand reaches for my plugged in hair straightener so i can finish off the strands of hair i had previously missed half an hour ago, when i first started.

straight hair wasn't necessarily 'in' right now, the current trend was extremely curly/ frizzy or feathered hair, i however found myself looking like a poodle with those hairstyles, so i tend to just stick with dead straight hair.

as i press the hot tool against a strand of my raven locks, my grey eyes glance around my bedroom.

i had always loved my bedroom, it was nothing fancy or really different to your average bedroom, the walls were painted a simple light grey, not that you could see much of the colour considering nearly every wall was covered in many different band, movie and concert posters. my bed sat in the far corner or the room with a grey cover that matched the wall, it had a small wooden bedside table next to it with a lamp. my desk was placed in the corner at the end of my bed and there was a set of draws in the corner next to my door, full of clothes and other things that had a record player, a small crate of records and a stack of magazines on top of it. an acoustic guitar leaned against the wall next to the entrance of my small wardrobe. my room was relatively clean with the exception of a few items of clothing scattered along the dark carpet.

like i said, it was simple but it was mine.

"okay i got the dress," i hear molly exclaim as she renters my bedroom.

my head turns to look at her holding up the lovely dress, "alright thank you, just place it on the bed and i'll get dressed in a sec'."

"rightio," she skips, placing the dress on the bed like i had told her to moments before.

as i finish off my hair we can both barely contain our excitement. we had talked about this so many times and in all honestly i never really thought we would be going to the club majesty. the club where so many famous musicians, actors and models had walked, where so many celebrity scandals had happened, where famous bands i loved had played.


i was beyond excited.

glancing at the time i see it's about nine, quickly i finish my hair and throw the dress on over my body. i really liked it, it hugged my body in all the right places and was surprisingly actually quite comfortable.

suddenly in no time molly and i are downstairs saying goodbye to my parents and brothers.


"only five more minutes!" molly squeals, clapping her hands together in excitement.

both of us stood in the packed line outside the extremely busy and fancy looking club, from judgment it looked to be about five minutes left after a good half hour or so of waiting. i was getting more and more excited by the second.

finally after what seemed like forever molly and i reach the front of the line, where two bouncers check our 'IDs', which were fake but quite believable, and a matter of moments later we're let into a small room with a desk where you payed, molly fiddles with her white purse for a few seconds before pulling out some cash and handing it over to one of the young women stood behind the desk. the women counts it and hands molly back some change before pointing us in the direction of the entrance.

the sound of loud music could already be heard however when another bouncer pushes the door open the immediate sound of even louder thumping music rings throughout my ears.

my eyes scan the dark room which was vaguely lit up by colourful lights, it was absolutely packed with peoples, so many people to the point where you couldn't even see the bar, the only real space that could be seen was a small part in the very very back corner where a staircase which i assumed led up to the vip section was sectioned off and guarded by a bouncer. even the section full of different booths and tables was packed.

"c'mon let's dance!" molly shouts over the eardrum bursting music, grabbing hold on my wrist and pulling me onto the crowded dance floor.

my hips immediately begin swaying to the song that i recognised as 'don't go' by yazoo. within a matter of seconds i feel a pair of hands cling onto my waist, hoping it wasn't some creepy old man i don't turn around and continue moving my hips to the beat of the song. glancing over at molly every now and then to make sure she's safe i see her dancing with a boy who looks a little older than us, maybe eighteen or nineteen.

soon the person who i was dancing withs' crotch begins rubbing up against my bum which finally causes my body to spin around and take a look at whoever this person was.

due to the darkness my eyes squint slightly to try and get a better look at the person, he was an attractive man who looked to be in his early twenties, he had long-ish caramel brown hair and stood around six foot.

the man flashes me a suttle smirk, "whatta you say i buy you a drink pretty girl?"

a/n: no promises but i'm hoping harry will finally make an appearance in the next chapter. anyway thank you for reading and don't forget to vote <3

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