Open source objects meets object precure pt 1

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Yep, this crossover chapter features open source objects meeting my object show, object precure. Crystal heart is the host of object precure and doki doki pad is the co-host of object precure. They are both my ocs, you'll see some of my other object characters too. Enjoy!

Oso novel's view

Ugh,my head. What happened... I knew what happened during the challenge in my show but I don't remember what happened after. All I know is that after crayon box announced me, corny, holly,and tart safe I walked with them then... that's it. Now I can't remember anything after that, all I can see is a dark void. "Hello, are you okay", I hear someone say, who is that I don't reckonize that voice. "Hello, are you hurt or anything, are you okay", I hear that voice again. Wait... did I black out after I was announced safe, "uh, oh, I gotta get help", that voice again. I felt myself get ... picked up?! What's going on, where are they taking me? 

I didn't know how long they ran, but I heard that voice, "medical kit, is she going to okay", I heard them say. Huh, medical kit? I never heard that name before then I think I heard medical kit's voice. The voice was soft, "yeah, she's gonna be okay, she just blacked out somehow". So I did blacked out somehow. I wonder if I can open my eyes, here it go... ow, I feel a pain, I think I got a headache. I start to open my eyes, I couldn't them all the way. All I remember seeing is a medical kit shape and it looked like I saw diamond's shape but it was aque blue.

Aque diamond's view

Man, I hope that object is alive, she didn't wake up when I asked them if they were okay. I saw her twitch a little and opened her eyes a little too. Then she opened her eyes fully, "ugh, my forehead", she said. "Your awake", I said excited and relieved, "huh, w..who are you two", she said scared, her eyes widen. "Oh, I'm aqua diamond and this is medical kit, med kit for short", I said introducing ourselves. "Oh, uh...umm, nice to meet you two", she said kind of scared.

I chuckled a little, "you don't need to be scared, were not going to harm you, were making sure your okay", I said assuring her. "Oh, ummm thanks for making sure I was okay", she said, I smiled and helped her up. "What's your name", med kit asked her shyly, "oso novel", she said. "Oso", I said confused, "oso is the short way to call my object show, open source objects", she said. "Oh, we compete in a object show too", med kit said.

"Oh, well that's... great", she said, not much used to talk with others she doesn't know. "Oh, also I think it's best to tell our host that your here and from a object show", med kit said. "Huh, why would you tell your host I'm here on your set?"

Oso novel's view 

Why would they tell there host I'm here I don't even know why I'm here. "That's because she doesn't appreciate strangers on her object show set, so yeah," aqua diamond said. "Oh, and what happens if you don't let her know I'm from a object show",I ask. "Then she'll call the police", said med kit very shyly. Th... the police?! She's that strict about having strangers on her object show set?! 

I gulp in fear, "can yo.. you just show me to her," I told them I can't imagine being jail for thinking I trespassed here. "Okay, you can chill, she'll know you came from object show", aqua diamond said and he grabbed my hand. "Huh", I said and then he ran dragging me along with med kit running after him. As he was running I looked around and it looks like their set is a dome like mine but it looks different. Then we ended up at a statue in the middle of the dome, mine doesn't have a crystal like statue. "Hey, crystal heart", he yelled very loud, "yes aqua diamond," as their host came around from behind the statue.

She was a pink crystal heart,I hid behind aqua diamond. "Who's that behind you", she asked, "this is oso novel", he said, he motioned me to introduce myself. I stepped out, "umm, hi, I'm oso novel and I came from, she cuts me off, "Open source objects right and your host's name is crayon box", she said. "wha... what!? How did you know!" I watch your novel thats how I know. "Oh", I said. She walked up to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. I was confused at first but then she said excitedly, "IT'S AN HONOR TO MEET YOU",she said very excitedly. "Uhh, what are you doing to oso novel", someone said, that voice sounds familiar. We looked around to see... crayon box!? "Oh, your crayon box and the crayons are inside, you are the host of open source objects she said. "Wait, how do you know us", red crayon as he pop out. 

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