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Book's view

Man, I felt horrible when I was mean to taco. I mean... ugh how do I say this. Since after bfb 15 we did apologize to each other, but I've been staying away from my team for weeks. I think if I back into cabin they will hate me. I stared into the lake I was at, looking at my myself. "Your just a monster and no one will forgive you", I whispered. I was still looking at the lake, hugging myself. I was lost in my thoughts until I heard a sound.

I froze and looked around, no one was there. I was about to look at the lake again until someone kicked and almost fell into the water. I whipped around to see ice cube (ice cube was recovered after few episodes so she's her normal size) glaring at me. "I..ice cube what are you doing", I said, "that's what you get for being a big meany on our team", then she kicked in the water and left running.

Thank goodness the water is shallow, if it was deeper I would have drowned. I was wet now, before I could stand up I fell on my back in the water. Turns out the was vine in the water ,stuck to a rock and it caught my leg. So now I couldn't get up to go to my teams cabin, my pages are wet, it was really late like about 11: 58 pm,and now I'm stuck here. How could this get any worse before that I started to feel tired and I passed out.

X's view

It was 6:00 am, I got up and it was job to see if all the contestants are in their cabins. "Morning x", I heard 4 say, "good morning 4", I said and we went to the team cabins. We checked everyone of them but there was someone missing something in blef ... book! "What, where's book, she should be here", I said to 4. "I don't know, maybe something or someone kept her up last night, let's go".

We searched the forest when I spotted something on a lake in the distance. I walked over there and saw... book! She was wet and passed out on the lake surface, there was vine on her leg. That must've prevented her from getting out of the lake. But I knew I needed to get 4, so I ran to get him. "4!", I yelled, "what is it x", he said. "I found book", I said, "you did, where is she", he asked.

I showed him where she was. He was shocked but he said ", we get her to the medical office", he said as he ripped off the vine. I nodded and picked up, we both ran to the medical office. When we got there she woke up but she didn't sound too good, "u..ugh, what ...happened", she asked sickly. The doctor looked at her and said, "we need to check her temperature", he said. I couldn't believe what her temperature was 100 degrees Fahrenheit, she had gotten a fever. I guessed it was from when she was in the lake water last night. They put a wet towel on her forehead and put her in one of the beds.

"Who put you in the lake water", 4 asked her, "ice cube kicked me", she said weakly. That enraged 4 and he told book to rest while we went to her team cabin.

Taco's view

I wonder where book is. She wasn't in her bed this morning. And not to mention last night, that's when 4 burst in with x running after him. "ICE CUBE," he raged, "you have some explaining to do with book last night", he said. We all looked at ice cube, who had a nervous face and was shaking. I asked x what happened with book, that's when he said that he and 4 found book in a lake unconscious and wet. Then they brought her to the medical office and she had a really high fever for being in the lake water last night.

I was shocked, felt bad for her so I decided to pay a visit to her. I grabbed a bottle of cold water for her to cool down. Then I went to medical office and asked to visit book, they took me there. She was sleeping on the bed she was on she looked pretty cute. I walked over to her to see a towel with cold water on forehead probably to cool her down.

I sat on a chair that was near to her bed. I waited for to wake up then I heard her mumbling, "n..no...please st.. stop!" Was something wrong with her, she was talking in her sleep. I was about to touch her arm when she's jolted up from her sleep.

Book's view

I jolted from sleep, breathing hard. I had the worst nightmare of my life, I was in void alone, then my alliance appeared and they told me you will always be alone and big jerk. Then I slipped my self on to those ropes for suicide then... I was dead. I could get that nightmare out of my thoughts when I heard someone, "book, you okay". I looked around to see taco by my bed holding a water bottle.

"Taco... what are you doing here", I asked, "I heard what happened to you and I wanted to visit", she said as she handed me the water. I open it and drank some of it, "what happened when you were asleep, you were talking in your sleep". Wait, I was talking in my sleep!? Whoops, well I'm not gonna tell her yet. "I'm fine, I just had a nightmare", I said, "oh, did something in your nightmare scare you?"

Oh no, I wasn't prepared for this, I didn't know what to say. "Uum," I said I was trembling with fear of the nightmare I had. "Well, I mean we don't have to talk about it if you don't want t..", I cut her off, "no, I do", I said. "Well then, what happened", taco asked. I took a deep breath, I told how I was in a dark void and my alliance and team appeared. They told me that I would always be alone and a jerk. Then I slipped into one of those ropes for suicide and then I was dead. She stayed silent, I studded in fear.

Taco's view
I was so shocked, she had that happened when she was sleeping. I knew I had to do something, after she was done talking I stroked her cheek. I liked seeing that little flustered face of hers. "Tac..taco can I do something real quick", book asked, "uh, sure book". Before I could do anything else she quickly kissed me on the lips.
I was shocked as she pulled away, blushing pink. "S..sorry", she said then I kissed her cheek. "It's okay",I said, "how are you feel", I asked. "I kinda of feel better", she said her voice sounded a little better. She yawned, she looked at me with sleepy eyes. "Well, I'm going to get some rest, hopefully I feel better tomorrow, I think you go back to the cabin", she sleepy.
"Nah, I'm going to stay here, I want to make sure you feel safe", I said. "Oh, well okay th...," she feel asleep, she looks cute. I stayed with her all day then I felt sleepy and fell on her. I felt her hand on my forehead then I heard her say , "I love you", she whispered. "I love you too", I said and fell asleep.
So there you have it. The next chapter is a crossover with my object show. Object precure, that's my object show's name. But you can guess in the comments which object show is going to meet them. Bye

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