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"Jason...My name is Jason."

Oh sh*t


Living with Bruce who is at the epitome of paranoia has taught him that there is no such thing as coincidence. After all, the chance for two people who has taken a dipped to the pit to share the same name is virtually nonexistent.

Granted that the name Jason is common but the dipped to the pit part? That would be like finding a needle in a barn full of haystack, and that is if there is even a needle in there on the first place.

Dick is certainly convinced that there is something a foot, the question is what is it? how big is it?

On hindsight maybe volunteering to be the first to contact the kid was a bad move.

A very wrong and bad move.


"I apologized for the interruption." Alfred said "It seems our guest is now awake."

Bruce grunted and walked to the direction of the infirmary. He has only taken a few steps forward when a hand fell on his shoulder. He looked at his eldest son with one eyebrow raised.

"I'll do it B." Dick said. "No offense but I don't think it's good idea that the first thing the kid sees is a gloomy old man in bat costume."

Snorts can be heard around the room and at batglare was sent straight in Dick's face but he was unfazed, having been immuned to it a long time ago.

"Dick's right you know." Tim said "Especially when we don't know how the kid mental state and have no idea on how he will react, he can be a traumatized kid for all we know.And Batman isn't exactly approachable"

"Beside I'm already in civvies." Dick said walking toward the infirmary. "So I'll do the talking and you guys can just watch from the Batcomputer."


The very moment Jason Todd laid his eyes on the boy who was then drowning in that f*cking pit, he knew that the world was screwing up with him.

The moment he heard the kid's name when Dick asked for it, he felt that the fates where laughing at him, mocking him.

And it made him angry, very angry. To the point that his vision turned red, and he promptly walked out of the cave heading for the dark alleys of Gotham before he did something he'll regret. Uncaring of what the rest of the bats will do next or what will happen with kid because he can't, for f*cking sake, deal with all this sh*t.

He needs to blow some steam off. He need to beat some crooks up or better, blow something up.

Because for the love of his life he doesn't know why it anger him so much. It made him so agitated and annoyed like having a very itchy itch the doesn't go away no matter how much you scratch.

But who was he kidding, he knew very well why it made him so angry.

Because it hit too close to home.

Because he sees himself in the kid.

Without the anger and the insanity induced by the pit. An innocent and naive kid who doesn't have any idea on just how ruthless the world can be.

Because from what he can see, the pit has no hold on the kid.

And that realization looked at him so smugly that it made his blood boil.

As if taunting him on the "what if" he didn't succumbed to the pit madness, on what could have happened if his actions weren't influenced by that f*cking pit.

Because Jason sees his old self in the kid, the one before everything become f*ck up.

Before that damnable warehouse.

Before that as*h*le Joker.

Before that f*cking explosion.

Before that sh*t dip in the pit.

The sweet, innocent, good boy that he
was before.

And because of what he may signify to Bruce.

They may have made amends the past years, working on compromise and meeting in the middle for almost everything.

But he knew just how much Bruce was disappointed with him, he was clear on he was view as Bruce's failure, the greatest mistake, the black sheep of the family.

He didn't give a f*ck about all those sh*t. Okay, maybe a little. A small part of him did care but that is inconsequential, that is, until now.

He's not dense or oblivious to it, he know that Bruce wish that the old Jason will return and in a way the old Jason was returned to Bruce. It just wasn't Jason, but rather another Jason.

And deep down inside, it just hurts.

Author's Note:
1. I have been rewriting this chapter many times because I'm not satisfied with it, and I apologized for the delay it has caused.

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