28 : ̗̀➛ reader turns into a demon

Start from the beginning

Giyu Tomioka:
He seemed clueless even though he knew what he had to do. He wanted you to be there for him and guide him but that was clearly impossible. He just knocked you out and then proceeded to end your life.
Giyu was on a mission. To get to his mission's location, he had to go through a thick group of trees which in other words was a forest.
"It should be close now." Giyu thought aloud.
However, as the male went deeper and deeper into the forest, he noticed a figure with h/c hair and a f/c kimono on it.
"Is that....Y/n?" Giyu thought.
He squinted and tried to focus more and that's when he knew it was you.
"Y/n!" He called out, a formerly confused, curious, and questioning expression replaced with a happy one.
You sharply turned around and glared at Giyu with a new pair of demon eyes. You growled and began to sprint towards your lover. Giyu's eyes widened at the realization of the situation. You'd turned into a demon. What the hell was he supposed to do?! Should he kill you or spare you?! A million questions ran through his head as you got dangerously closer by the second. He needed you to guide him but you couldn't, you no longer existed among the living. Tears glided down Giyu's cheeks as he made his decision. You lunged yourself at Giyu but he dodged and he simultaneously hit the back of your neck with his hand, knocking you out cold. Giyu's face became the host of millions of tears as he got on his knees and grasped your unconscious body as firmly as he could. His nose, eyes, and cheeks were red as he unsheathed his nichirin blade and made it make contact with your neck. He breathed out before finally pushing his sword all the way through and killing you.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. This was for the better." Giyu breathed out as he hugged your body.

He didn't want to be the one who ended your life so he let your brother do it. It was hard for both though. He cried even in front of Giyu and Makomo.
Sabito, Giyu, and Makomo were all gathered outside your house. Giyu began to get impatient and worried so like the good brother he is, he kicked the door open to get devoured by a somber aura. The faint scent of blood came to him and he panicked.
"Y/n!" He yelled.
No response. This elicited even more panicking from your brother. Sabito breathed in and out before going inside your house. He walked closer to your room and got his hand on his blade, ready to strike if necessary.
"Y-Y/n?" Sabito's voice cracked a bit.
This time, a growl came as a response. Sabito flinched a bit. He built up all his courage and kicked down your bedroom door to find you a bloody mess. You growled at the sight of him.
"Oh my god! Y/n, no!" Makomo shrieked from behind Sabito.
Giyu then gasped and small tears grouped up in his eyes.
"Y/n..." Sabito's voice cracked again as he began to cry.
How could he let this happen to the one he loved the most? This was unacceptable, just- UNFORGIVABLE!
"G-Giyu-kun, please." Sabito said as he looked away and walked out of the room.
He covered his eyes with his hand to hide the ongoing tears.
"Alright." Giyu sighed.
He quickly lunged himself at you and knocked you out, then, he carefully sliced your neck and let you die. Your growling had completely stopped at this point so the only sounds in your house were that of Sabito's grieving cries.

(⟃ ͜ʖ ⟄) You're a demon already.

Muzan Kibutsuji:
ಥ ͜ʖಥ You're a demon...already.

Kyojuro Rengoku:
His smile faded completely and it turned into a frown. He hesitated a lot before taking you into his arms and hugging you and crying a lot.
Rengoku was just taking a nice stroll out. He was just having a grand time, no missions, no nuisances, nothing annoying! His smile was much brighter than other days but that would quickly change once he saw a group of low tier demon slayers head towards your home. Curiosity filled the wholesome man so he followed the group. There were only three Mizunoto ranked slayers. Once Rengoku had arrived to your home, he saw the doors open so he got extremely worried and concerned.
"Wonder what's going on." He thought to himself.
When he stepped into the estate without catching the Mizunoto's attention, he could sense the wrongness of something. There was something off and he disliked it a lot. Then, Rengoku noticed small blood stains on the floor, them leading to somewhere. The curious pillar followed them. He arrived to your bedroom which was quite big but not too big. He knocked once and he got a response.
"Who is it?" It was a male voice which did not sound like yours since it was too low/high pitched.
"Flame Pillar, Kyojuro Rengoku." Rengoku called.
"You may enter." The voice said.
Rengoku complied and opened the door. He found the three demon slayers from before in the room. The one who had talked was next to the door with a bloody nichirin blade in his hand. Rengoku got scared immediately.
"What happened here?" He asked.
The other two slayers were grabbing onto a small bed with a body covered ontop.
"The person living here got turned into a demon and we were sent to deal with them." The male demon slayer responded.
"Were they named Y/n L/n by any chance?" Rengoku asked, getting fidgety and anxious.
"I believe so." The male responded again, nodding his head.
Rengoku's eyes widened.
"M-May I look?" Rengoku asked, getting a voice crack.
"Are you family? If so, yes."
"I'm their partner." Rengoku said, covering his eyes as tears glided down his cheeks.
"You may look." The male said.
Rengoku nodded and walked to you while the other slayers put you down. Rengoku uncovered your body which was headless. That's when your lover broke down. He took you into his arms protectively and sobbed. His smile was long gone by now and was replaced with a frown as he cried at your loss. Rengoku could smile but it would never be the same radiant smile from before.

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