Keep Your Family Close

Start from the beginning

"But be back here within a half hour." She continued.

"Got it." Francis said, walking out.

"I hope Alfred knows what he is doing." Kiku said.

"Don't worry, he's fine." Matthew said.

Kiku nodded uncertainly.

Ivan was sitting in a corner, still drinking vodka like no tomorrow.

How he wasn't drunk yet was beyond anyone except for two people in the room.

True to his word, half an hour later Francis came back with a small breakfast on a tray.

"Hide it somewhere where Arthur won't see. We will only need it if his and Alfred's food goes wrong." Trinidad said.

Francis nodded and stuck it under the table by his chair.

Everyone sat down waiting for the two to come in, 15 minutes later the doors opened.

Alfred walked in first, smirking.

Next came Arthur, who was pushing the cart. The room was filled with the smell of a full english breakfast.

The Caribbean countries looked disgusted at the dull looking food.

"Smells good Arthur." Matthew said.

"Why thank you Matt." He said.

"Did Alfred make this?" Francis asked.

"Nope, I didn't even touch the stove." Alfred said.

"Swear on Lady Liberty herself." He continued crossing his chest where his heart should be.

Francis nodded, still looking at the food.

"Well, come and get it." Arthur said.

The nations stood up and made their way over. Matthew and Alfred had already gotten their food and sat down.

Al looked on smirking.

His plate was much smaller than his brothers. He had a piece of toast, a bacon and some eggs. Where as Matthew had two toasts, a sausage, and lots of bacon and eggs.

They both had a cup of tea.

Trinidad excused themselves along with their sister country Tobago and the rest of the Caribbean countries.

It's not that they disliked England's cooking but they rather food with seasonings.

"Can't wait to see their faces. Arthur really can cook." Matthew said.

"Yup. It's funny how they always wonder why we're re still alive after living with him as colonies." Alfred said.

He soon realized that he should of worded his sentence better as most of the Caribbean countries started to look uncomfortable.

It's a time, they don't like to talk about especially Arthur.

They sat, eating their food, well Matthew was. Alfred was trying to avoid eating it but with Danmark staring at him, he decided to eat a little more so that the Danish country would be satisfied with him.

Damn it!

Why is his puppy eyes so good.

"It's been great knowing you all." Italy said as he took the brave first bite.

After a second he swallowed and look at his plate, and proceeded to eat more.

The other looked on in shock and tried their own and each of them had the same reaction.

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