Whelp (Vilkas x reader)

Start from the beginning

As long as Talos is my witness, I will not enjoy this.

"Hey! Watch where you're walking!"
I stopped just before walking into a pressure plate.
"I'm not having you walk into traps," Vilkas ushered in a soft tone.

"Aww, has the big meanie suddenly gone all soft?" I teased.
"No, I don't want you bringing the ruins down on top of us, is all," he replied, clearly unimpressed.

I looked around. Man, these Nordic ruins seem to get duller each time I visit them...

We walked for what seemed like forever. Several crypts layed open, nothing inside. The light from numerous candles scattered around bounced off the walls, keeping it fairly bright.

Vilkas held up his hand. "Shh. Do you hear that?" He whispered. I shook my head.
"Am I supposed to be hearing something?" I asked, bemused.
He shook his head, muttering to himself. "Just stay quiet and follow my lead," Vilkas seethed.

We rounded a corner, and I almost bumped into someone.
"Fresh meat!"
"Let's kill 'em and take their stuff!"

"Bandits?!" I cried at Vilkas. "You didn't tell me there'd be bandits!"
"I didn't tell you because I didn't know. Remember, I didn't choose this, the old man did!"

I took out my sword. I held it in front of me, gripping the hilt tightly with both hands. Vilkas did the same, his greatsword raised high above his head as he brought it down to meet a bandit's neck.

I looked over at him. His face was full of determination.
"Wipe the floor with them."
My face contorted into a sadistic grin. "With pleasure!"

My body shook with excitement. I gripped my sword even harder, and rushed forward, toward the first bandit. The bandit pulled out a warhammer, and raised it. As I approached he brought it down.
My body twisted out of the way, the hammer sailing past my head. At this point, I was running on pure adrenaline.

My eyes widened, as did my smile. I stabbed my sword forward, hitting the bandit square in the chest. Blood pooled from the wound when I removed the sword, moving on to the next enemy.

The next bandit nocked an arrow into his bow, pulling on the string tightly. He aimed over in my direction before letting loose. The wind whistled as the arrow pierced the air.
I ducked at the last second. Wew... that was a close one!

My blade moved, almost on it's own. The next thing I knew, the bandit's blood was covering my hand. I brought it up to my mouth, slowly licking the sticky substance.

"Uh, [Y/N]?"
I turned to him, savouring the look on his face.
"Get that out of your mouth! You could cut your tongue off!"
I stopped licking the blood, a dumbfounded look on my own face.
"Wait, hold up. I'm more or less drinking blood and the one thing you comment on is the fact that I am licking a blade?!" A psychotic laugh left my lips. "And you all call me crazy!"

Vilkas pinched the bridge of his nose, deep in thought. Or so I thought.
"Look, [Y/N], personally I don't care about the blood. But, as much as I hate you, I don't want you getting hurt. So please, for my sake as well as yours, do not put any form of sharp tool anywhere near your mouth while I am here."

He moved towards me. His arm reached forwards, grasping my hand in his.
He moved my hand down, grasping it tighter. Our faces moved closer together.
"Vilkas..." I repeated. His breath mingled with mine, the air getting hot all of a sudden.

"What is it, [Y/N]?" He purred. I shivered at the sound.
"What... what was that about?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh?" He laughed. "Despite your very boisterous behaviour, you seem incredibly submissive."
I felt my face flush.
"E-excuse me?" I got out after a minute.

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