Chapter three.

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The consequences of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad are horrible.

Everyone in Beleriand can notice no matter where that the king, Fingon, is dead.

Barad Eithel, whole Hithlum, Dor-Lómin, Himring, the lands of the other Sons of Feanor.

Everything is occupied. Some are just destroyed by the orks that nobody will ever live ther again.

Just Thingol and Melain in Doriath, Orodeth in Nargothrond and Cirdan in Falas don't notice anything about that war.

But their time will come......

I retired with my brothers. Every night I see his face in my dreams and someday his ghost follow me around our fortress. I speak with him. The problem is that only I can see his ghost. That is one of the reasons that all believe that I lost my mind in that war.

I did.

I don't talk to anyone just with myself and his ghost.

The actually High-King is in his hidden city. Nobody thinks of him. Fingon was the hero, the warm flame of hope. He was always there when you needs him. He was the perfect Noldor: a warrior, a diplomat, a....

His brother is not here when his people which are all Noldor need him.

I and my brothers didin't swore our loyality. Where?

I don't like Turgon but for the love of Fin- him I would do it.

Turgon just wrote me a letter that he buried his brother next to his father.

Everywhere you can notice the effects of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad and the death of the most beloved king. And when not.... you will!

The king is dead.

I only talk when I have to and not much even then. I play with my life every day on the battlefield and every night when I am alone. My reason to live on, according to Thangorodrim, was extinguished at the same time that the light in Fingon's eyes went out.

I love you.

Please come back to me, my love.

The king is dead.



Gosh, I love these two! 😍

This is the end of my story!

Please, write what you like and what I can improve.

Anyway my name is HighQueen01.

Thank you for reading!!! 🥰

Love you. ❤

Before the battle.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя