soft baby

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Mike was sitting on Will's bed while this one was cautiously cleaning the taller's bleeding lip, careful that he doesn't hurt his boyfriend.

After a while and a couple whines of Mike, Will finished cleaning the little stingy wound and placed the cotton and alcohol away.

"Are you okay?" the smaller boy asked, stroking Mike's cheek with his hand, the dark haired boy just gave a nod.

Moments earlier the couple was walking outside the school to get home, Mike holding the brunette's hand. Suddenly, someone appeared from behind them, Troy Harrington.

"Look what we have here!" Troy exclaimed with a smirk while his friend James followed him.

Mike and Will just sighed loudly, rolling his eyes and they just kept walking away, not wanting to get in any trouble.

But Troy won't give up.

The bully walked fast towards the two boys. He started kicking Will's sides, harshly telling him to turn around and face him.

"C'mon Will! Don't be such a fag!" James shouted right behind where Mike was walking, bad idea.

No one reacted until the taller of them turned around angrily and punched James right in the eye, making him lose his balance but not enough to fall.

They crossed a limit that was messing with his boyfriend, Mike couldn't stand a second more of Troy or James giving Will shit.

He couldn't enjoy it too much because he immediately felt a fist against his mouth, Troy's.

Mike whinced in pain as his body fell on the hard land, he was fast enough to put his hands on the ground, making the fall a little less painful, his mouth ached like hell however, he probably just had cut his lip.

A worried Will helped Mike up as the two bullies walked away laughing and giving high fives to eachother, disgusting.

Back in Will's house the smaller boy was still taking care of his boyfriend, stroking his cheek in a comfort manner.

Mike felt exhausted and kept a sad look in his face, which made Will's heart ache.

The taller boy then layed his head on top of the brunette's lap, taking one of the smaller's hands in his and started stroking it softly.

"Can I tell you something?" Mike asked while looking up at his boyfriend, who was now playing with his hair with his free hand.

"Of course, tell me" Will replied, smiling softly at the taller boy, trying to show him he could trust him in whatever he was about to tell.

"I hate how everyone is always pointing me as the strong one of the relationship, it's exhausting trying to do what people is expecting you to do because you and me know that isn't true, I really don't want to pretend someone I'm not, I'm not though, I'm not scary, I'm not a stone heart, I'm not someone who likes dressing in dark clothes, I'm not a smoker or drinker, I'm just me, why can anyone see that? Is it bad that I'm not any of those things?" The dark haired boy said from the bottom of his mind, speaking quietly but loud enough for his boyfriend to hear it. Mike's gaze looked even sadder than before.

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