In Time (Noctis x Reader)

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"Morning Noct,"

"Rise and shine buddy!"

"Can't believe we do this almost every morning,"

"Old habits die hard I guess?"

Noctis groaned, wanting more than anything to sleep in for the day. Pushing back the bed covers and groggily walking towards his bathroom, he didn't have to scan the room to know where the others were. If it was the same as always, Gladio would be leaning against the wall right near the door, Prompto would be lounging on the couch with his arms crossed behind his head, and Ignis would be checking his desk, most likely ensuring the Prince of Lucis had read over the reports for the morning's council meeting.

Fresh from a shower and now fully clothed, Noctis found the exact scene right in front of him. The only difference was Ignis was no longer checking the reports; they were neatly arranged in their respective manilla folders and clutched in his hands. Glancing quickly at his phone, he frowned seeing a familiar date displayed. Great... Looking up from his phone, his eyes met with Ignis' green ones, and although Ignis was stoic as ever, the quick glance down at the cellphone in Noctis' hand and back to him again was enough to tell his advisor knew what popped into mind.

"It's going to be one of those days huh?" Prompto seemed to have caught on.

"Shall I say you are not feeling well and attend in your place?" Ignis enquired, knowing very well Noctis would not be a hundred percent attentive.

"Nope. Don't worry about it. Maybe I won't be bored this time," Noctis sighed.

The Prince regretted every word of that sentence. The meeting bored him within the first five minutes, with what would potentially be a minimum an hour or two. His mind ended up wandering and the last voice he wanted to remember popped in his mind.

"Just remember, the more proactive you are, the sooner it'll finish and we'll have more time to ourselves,"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he tried to refocus on the meeting, only to find multiple pairs of eyes on him.

"Apologies," The Prince muttered, nodding his head for them to continue.

"I guess I should commend on you managing to maintain focus for the remainder on the meeting," Regis sighed. Noctis felt like a student in trouble the moment his father requested he stay behind after dismissal. "It doesn't take much to know what or who was on your mind Noctis,"

"My apologies Your Majesty," Noctis knew his apology was accepted from the softening of his father's gaze.

"A year has passed, and it comes as no surprise the wounds are still fresh,"

"I'm not sure of what wounds you are speaking of, but mine are not that of loss," Bile rose in the back of Noctis' throat as he pushed his anger down.

"Not that I'm one of experience my son, but surely you realize you need closure," Regis sighed, "I take it you haven't visited her grave then?"

"I don't visit places where cheaters lie," Noctis knew his tone had hardened; it was taking everything in him to remain somewhat level headed.

"Perhaps today you should," Noctis stared at his father, unsure if his words were a suggestion or an order. "I cannot rest easy knowing the only heir to the throne cannot simply take whatever steps necessary to move forward,"

"You think I haven't moved on? She had us all fooled. If anything she will be forever remembered as a cheater,"

"To those who knew of your relationship to her maybe. However, to others, she was a friend, colleague, daughter, and family member. But to you at the time, she was your world," Regis concluded, giving an all-knowing look and gripping Noctis' shoulder on his way out.

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