Cold (Noctis x Reader)

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"Please! Please! Please!" Noctis groaned hearing his best friend beg you for most likely the millionth time during the week. 

"Prompto.." You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration, "Why are you so bent on this?"

"We NEVER see you all dolled up at these events," Prompto huffed, pouting.

"Well duh? I'm not at these Royal Gala events as a guest. I'm there doing my job, as one of Noct's retainers," You replied, your tone telling the rest your answer was obvious. Ignis and Gladio chuckled as Prompto continued trying to convince you, with each tidbit of reason falling on deaf ears.

You hadn't been Noctis' retainer for as long as the rest, but you sure showed them they needn't worry about you keeping up. The most convincing experience was when you outshone the Prince of Lucis himself during one of Gladio's hellish training sessions. It didn't take long for you to fully integrate yourself with the guys, yet Prompto's whining only increased as the years passed. Being the only female in the group and being on par with the guys bothered Prompto until no end. The reason? You weren't exactly the type to really care much for appearance. Noctis personally preferred it this way; he believed you were already a stunner without makeup, he shuddered to think of what type of get up Prompto had in mind for you. Luckily for the now twenty-four-year-old Prince of Lucis, you were disciplined and practical, enabling you to diminish any attempt the excitable blonde made to bring out your 'girly' side.

"Prom. Seriously, why is this so important to you?" You grumbled, flicking his forehead lightly before moving to sit on the couch.

"For a pretty young thing, you sure don't get the hint," Gladio teased, smirking when you shot him a glare.

"The hint for what?" You scoffed.

"Prompto wants to see you in a sexy dress," Gladio replied, imitating your 'I-thought-it-was-obvious' tone. Noctis laughed heartily seeing your eyes widen before eyeing the now cowering blonde.

"You make it sound like I have ulterior motives Gladio!" Prompto squeaked, remaining behind the couch opposite to the one you were seated on.

"Prom. I can't imagine you seeing me in that light, so out with it!" You instructed, getting up from your seat. Noctis felt his face warm up the moment Prompto's eyes glanced his way, a lop-sided grin forming on his face. You. Little. Shit.

"Nope! Nunya!" Prompto replied, his confidence suddenly returning in a flash.

"Nunya?" You asked.

"None ya business!" Prompto laughed as you ran after him and out into the courtyard.

Relieved that you didn't catch on Prompto's little ploy, Noctis relaxed a little on the couch as Ignis and Gladio chuckled watching you chase the poor blonde. It was clear who was faster and out for blood.

"It's like watching two siblings bickering," Ignis commented, placing Noctis' coffee in front of him on the coffee table.

"Yeah. Good thing (Your Name) is so patient," Gladio added, before sipping on his own coffee.

"He's just lucky (Your Name) hasn't had enough and ripped his head off," Noctis shuddered in remembering well one of the few times you ripped into him for being reckless.

"Reminiscing those times (Your Name) gave you an earful are we, Your Highness?" Ignis asked, his famous all-knowing smirk on his face.

"Yeah," Was all Noctis said.

"So..." Gladio began, relaxing a little more on the armchair he had settled in, "Any progress with 'Operation (Your Name)'?" Gladio had asked quite the golden question. 

FFXV Musically Inspired One/Long-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz