More about my brothers. Again i'm just here. Not important at all.

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Ever wonder about your family heritages. Well, when your only real parent is a toilet you don't ask questions about little things like that. I was mentioning earlier how we had powers right. Don't try to tell me otherwise, when Butch put his thoughts back in order something triggered in his brain, that allows him to remember everything. Every second of torture me and Boomer put away somewhere in our brains we don't go back to, he remembers, and is more than happy to remind us of the details. It gets annoying, especially when he lends us money. While me and boomer are more than happy to let things like "dude you owe me forty bucks" be forgotten, if we owe Butch money he will not forget. Then of course he conveniently forgets when he owes us money. Then if we bug him, he just closes his eyes, tunes us out (which can't be easy when you have two very annoying 10/15 year old brothers (long story) yelling in your ear, especially when you have super hearing) and sits on his staff. His staff is his power. Yes it is very lame. Why can't he just use a branch or something? Answer we don't quite know. Why would his power choose to present itself in that way? It is just weird, I mean the city is full of trees how hard is it to get a branch. My super amazing power is...... Freeze breath. Ta-da, bow in awe.
About the 10/15 thing, this is probably the most grossest thing ever in the universe that I know of, but I grew up in some crazy scientist lady's basement so what do I know. So biologically we're fifteen, but we've only lived ten years, if you call it living.
With Boomer it's easy to see the ten years he's lived, he seems like a ten year old, no questions about it. With Butch.... I won't doubt him if he said he'd lived a hundred year, except for the fact we were like born in the same instant, so that's like impossible. Me I like to think of myself as living fifteen years. When I told Butch and Boomer... Well... Boomer was like "you seem like you're forty" in the same way girls probably gossip about boys not that I know anything about girls. Butch said "I don't see it".
Boomer is scared of crowds, not because of the crazy scientist lady, though that is a good excuse for him to use. He's scared of hurting people. Again he's ten. And when touching someone can kill, you tend to get paranoid. Any person not Butch or Me he's scared of. Butch doesn't talk to anyone. This is probably confusing. Wait what am I saying, of course this is confusing. I guess I should start from the beginning..... The very beginning....

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