You perked up, turning to look at him, confused, "I cu--oh! Uh, yeah!" You remembered, raising your hand to stroke your hair back. "I just needed a change. Besides, It'll back in a month or two," you giggled.

Shouto nodded. "It looks great," he complimented. You smiled, blushing as you looked away.

"Thanks, Sho," you blushed.

During that time, with only a few other students in the room, a few others began to pile in, you were talking to Shouto, sitting down on his table. Already brushing off Iida's constant repercussions of disrespect to school property, you took one of Shouto's hands, fiddling with his fingers on your lap as you spoke. "But, there's this really cool noodle shop that just opened downtown, they've got the best kakigori I've ever had and I haven't tried their soba menu, so we should go sometime," you suggested, of course he nodded, unable to turn you down.

"But, I like your cooking," he told you, almost pouting.

You giggled. "Well, I'm not a pro, and you're not half-bad, so I think we can make a cooking day work. If you help me out obviously."

He breathed a bemused look. "Cold soba," he said.

"Was there an indication that that wouldn't be the main course?" You asked him, chuckling.

He shook his head at you and you smiled.

Just before the door slid opened once again, this time, you turned and caught sight of the ash blonde stepping into the classroom, hands shoved into his pockets. You whipped around as you stood, slipping your hand out of Shouto, who glanced over to the hothead, bitterly.

As you were walking over, his head rose in question, before he straightened, "Katsu!" You greeted happily. He breathed a small reply of greeting, his gaze softening as you stopped in front of him, glancing at your shorter hair that settled on your shoulder's and framed the golden rim of your doe eye's. And that uniform was doing too much for you, he had to keep his eyes focused on your face.

"Hey, so ya made it, huh, wench?" he said, smirking as you huffed at him.

"What, you thought I wouldn't? Of course I did!" You shoved him in the shoulder, crossing your arm's.

He began to walk to his seat, urging you along. "Just can't believe you're here, somewhere early. You're always forgetting shit," He sat down, putting his feet up onto the desk.

That simple move immediately set Iida off from across the room as he was making his way over, before you can even yell at the boy, Iida was beating you to it. "That's not--! Eh?" You jumped as Iida was on the other side of Bakugo's desk, swinging his arm's around once again.

"Take your feet off of that desk now!" Tenya demanded.

Katsuki only proceeded to smirk, tilting his head mockingly. "Huh?" He challenged.

Tenya frowned. "It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!" He said, you sighed as they began to argue.

"You've gotta be kidding me right! Your old school put a stick up your ass?!" Katsuki questioned. "Or were you born with it?"

You the doors slide open once again as you shook your head in amusement at the situation, glancing over as Tenya began to speak once again, holding his tongue as he was going to argue further. "Let's start over," he placed a hand on his chest. "I'm Tenya Iida, from the Someii private Academy."

You ran a hand over Katsuki's shoulder as you moved to the door door as you caught sight of Izuku. "Someii, huh?" He snickered, unimpressed. "So, you must think your better than me? I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one!" Katsuki challenged.

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