3- The Games We Play

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Orinth rose early the next day, mind still occupied with thoughts of Phoenyx. Getting off her cot and sitting on the floor, she let herself reminisce.

Back to the simpler days.

Days when she wasn't worried about mass dragon extinction.

Days when she was simply Orinth the Berkian.

Days before she was Orinth the Dragon Rider.

Before Orinth the strategist.

Before Orinth the Dragonless

In her daze, she had begun sketching in the dirt. Lines, arrows, and squares made diagrams of the pre-planned attack on the hunter's small camp Snotlout had found. The "camp" that had turned out to be a horrible trap, of course. All that strategy and preparation; it had all been for nothing. Look where it had landed her: dragonless, alone, abandoned.

No, Hiccup would come for her. Phoenyx would too, she knew it. They had to. She didn't- no, couldn't- consider any other reality. Her intelligence would only keep her alive for so long before Viggo -and especially Ryker- found her useless.

She scowled and swiped her hand across the diagram, forcing it from her memory.

"It was a futile plan anyway, no matter how well-thought-out. Surely you know that. I am leagues ahead of you and Hiccup. Certainly, especially with Snoutlout's company, you should have known you were doomed from the start," Viggo spoke from the tent's entrance, startling Orinth from her thoughts, having not noticed him approach.

"Maybe you could teach me something, then since you're so confident in yourself. I'm sure that smug look helps, too," she replied, quickly, despite her initial surprise of hearing him there.

Her statement only served to deepen his expression, "If you wish, I suppose I could teach you something. You are certainly more skilled already than my brother or these hunters. Tell me, how much do you know of Maces and Talons?" he questioned, sounding even somewhat eager to have someone to play against.

"I know the basics well enough, but I'm sure I'm nowhere near your level. I can barely compete with Hiccup," she replied, surprised that he had taken her taunt seriously, and even more surprised that she was considering playing against him. 

"I will say, anything you hope to learn of my strategy in battle is pointless. You will never leave this island alive to tell of it," Viggo warned, his threat serving its intended purpose.

Orinth paused, seriously considering if she would truly ever be rescued. If not, then, what would become of her? Perhaps she would never leave the island alive...

Sensing her turmoil, Viggo took the opportunity to capitalize, "I shall leave you to your thoughts, then. You can find breakfast on the tables in the center of camp if you so desire. Oh, and, if you were truly serious about that match of Maces and Talons, then come find me this afternoon," with that, he left, leaving Orinth to ruminate.

She sat for a minute or two longer, debating on whether or not to take Viggo up on that match. She had nothing better to do, and it was almost entertaining to chat with him. Gods, how could she let herself think that? He is the enemy. If only he weren't such a snide piece of yak dung she might enjoy his company. A snide piece of yak dung that kills dragons, she reminded herself, once again.

She did indeed grab some breakfast, which earned her a few strange looks from the hunters, but overall they, surprisingly, left her alone. It seems they respected Viggo's orders.

Ryker was nowhere to be found, but the pink Gronckle was still chained to the same spot as the day before. It had managed to knock the container of rocks, and its only food source, out of its reach. Orinth walked over, picking up some choice rocks and tossing them to the dragon. Judging by the markings and patterns on its underbelly, it was a female. Sadly those markings were accompanied by other marks. Welts from beatings, and even scars from sword cuts and arrow wounds. Her left wing was also damaged by what looked like a ballista shot by the scarring. She was incapable of flight and stuck on this miserable island with a bunch of hostile strangers. Doesn't that sound familiar?

"Whadda you say we become friends? Don't worry, you wouldn't need to make any Gronckle iron for me. Yeah? How's that sound... Rhodonite? Not exactly a girly name, I know. But it fits! It's a pink rock, and you're, well, a pink Boulder class" the dragon didn't seem to care what her name was at this particular moment; she was just happy to have a friend, and so was Orinth.

Leaving Rhodonite to rest, Orinth set out for the western edge of the island, the same spot where Viggo had released Phoenyx the day before. The cliff was somehow calming, despite the events that had happened there. It was a nice spot to enjoy the sound of the ocean and the sunset.

Unless of course, that view had to be interrupted by the ever so lovely  Viggo Grimborn. He stood there, seemingly expecting her arrival. A Maces and Talons board was laid out in the grass at his feet.

"Hello, Rider. I had assumed you would come up here to... shall we say reminisce,"  Orinth scowled. He couldn't even call her by her actual name. Let alone drop the smart-arse tone in his voice. Thor himself would need to intervene for that to happen.

"By the way, my name's Orinth. You can stop calling me 'rider'. So, are you ready for that match or not?" she hardened her gaze in a challenge, not willing to go down without a fight.

Nearly as soon as the match had begun, it was ending. Viggo was good. That much she couldn't deny. It was no wonder Hiccup had so much trouble with planning against him. It would be impressive. If Viggo wasn't an all-around horrible person.

"Viggo, why do you hunt dragons?" she couldn't stop herself from asking the question. His actions made no sense to her. He was so intelligent, yet he wasted that intelligence on violence.

He almost looked surprised at her sudden question, "It is quite simple, my dear. I saw an opportunity and took it."

"What do you think about people like Hiccup, like me? Those who see intelligence and beauty in dragons?"

"I'll tell you what I think," he smirked, "I think you're all fools. You cling to some baseless faith that these dragons are worth protecting. They are nothing. Simply coin to be earned at the slaughter."

Oh, that's it. He's done it now.

"Have you ever stopped to consider, maybe, that the so-called 'beasts' you hunt mercilessly may be more human than yourself?" at these words her mind flashed with images of Toothless, Stormfly, all of them. Even Rhodonite. And especially Phoenyx.

"Conversely, have you considered that all those beasts you hold dear, actually care nothing for you, or your benefit? Here you sit, hoping to win against me, for what? To prove to yourself that you are deserving of a dragon? That opportunity passed yesterday evening, if I recall correctly."

"Argh! You... you are a good-for-nothing useless scumbag! You don't care about anyone but yourself!"

"Now, now, my dear, there's no need to result to such name-calling. Truly, I am much more than a heathen such as the kind you describe. I am simply a businessman. I had thought you would not stoop to such baseless insults, that your intellect set you above brutes like my brother. I see that I was wrong.

"How dare you compare me to a... a monster such as him! He tortures and beats dragons! You may be making a profit, Viggo, but it's costing you so much more," with that, she turned away, leaving him standing on the cliff.


AN: Here it is people!!! The next chapter!!!!!! I've had this mostly written for a while, I just hadn't sat down to finish it up. I'm SO excited to hear everyone's thoughts. Please leave a comment telling me what you think!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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