"I mean, I did say it can be covered with make up.." The other says. Before Jungeun could respond any further they heard footsteps coming their way.

"Chaewon!" They saw Jinsoul, complete with her baseball jersey on, "have you seen a baseball around here? I hit another home run." She smiled cheekily. Her eyes dropped to Chaewon's hand, which was holding said ball, "oh! I guess you've found it. Can I-"


Jinsoul turned her attention to Jungeun, who was now taking dangerously close steps towards her. Jinsoul had to step back. "You did this!" she pointed at the wound on her forehead.

"Oh.." Jinsoul's eyes tried to look away. But she failed miserably when Jungeun took the collar of her jersey. "I'm sorry..?"

"Listen here! I have a performance, no, a damn competition to attend to and I'm not planning on doing it with this-ow!" her head suddenly was in pain. Her hand instinctively placed itself on Jinsoul's shoulder for support, the other gripping her collar tighter.

Jinsoul awkwardly put her hands behind Jungeun's back, turning to Chaewon for help. She mouthed a what do I do? for the other to shrug, clueless as herself.

"Uhm, You shouldn't scream so much, it could worsen the headache." In all honesty Jinsoul didn't know what she was talking about. She just didn't want to look like she didn't care.

The other didn't hear her, she was slowly going down to her knees, dragging Jinsoul with her. She whined as the pain stung. "Shit.."

She could hear a faint, "you know what? I'm taking her to the nurse."

"No, no. It's okay, I'll take her."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, then. Be careful."

"Don't worry," Jungeun finally heard before she could feel her body being supported by something. or rather, someone. She felt her arm being draped over the person's neck, and another arm being placed around her waist.

"Come on, let's get you checked on."

Jungeun opened her eyes, her vision still blurry. She tried to sit up straight, but couldn't when her head started acting up again.

"Hey, hey, take it easy. You just woke up." A voice said.


The voice chuckled before correcting her, "Jinsoul."

"Jinsoul..?" Jungeun tried to remember when has she ever known someone named Jinsoul. "Uh, I'm the girl who got you in this mess."

Jungeun sat up straight, failing once more when the pain hits her, "you...!" Jinsoul pushed Jungeun's shoulder back onto the bed, "I know. I'm sorry, okay? Now rest a bit more, the nurse said you'll be fine to head out when you've gotten enough rest."

Jungeun couldn't argue anymore. She wanted Jinsoul to take responsibility and she did. "What time is it?"

"What if I told you it was 7?"

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