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July, 1977

Hailey had been hanging out at Rowan's house for the past few days after flying to America. Her and Jimmy both had headed to America, but for a special reason. A very special reason.

Today was the day they had both been looking forward to. The day they would be married. On Hailey's birthday.

Hailey was, at the moment, spending the majority of her time daydreaming about the wedding. She was just so excited for it, and couldn't believe it was really happening. Then, her daydreaming was stopped once she heard Rowan's voice calling her from another room.

"Hey, Hailey! Hurry up and get in here?"

Hailey went to where Rowan's voice was coming from, which was her room. Hailey's dress was waiting for her. A smile spread on Rowan's face when she saw Hailey.

"Well, are you ready to get dressed?" Rowan asked. "Today's the big day, right?"

Hailey smiled and nodded. "I'm definitely ready to get dressed." She answered. "I haven't been able to get my mind off of today at all!"

Rowan looked at the dress, as if it was some special object. "This dress is going to look so good on you, Hailey. You're going to look absolutely regal."

Hailey blushed a little. "It's honestly one of the most gorgeous dresses I've seen my entire life." She said. "Anyways, I can't actually believe today's the day."

Rowan then rolled her eyes, her smile remaining. "Imagine getting married to Jimmy Page himself. God, I'm jealous. You were only just a fan when you two met."

"Then we got engaged."

"And...now you two are getting married."

Rowan then brought the dress over to Hailey, testing to see how well it would fit her.

"You know, you could've done this when we bought the dress, Rowan." Hailey said, giggling a little.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm just a last-minute person. Good news, though. The dress fits you perfectly."

"Should my hair get styled?" Hailey asked.

"Uh, of course." Rowan answered, giving a smart-ass kind of smile. "If you're getting married, you have to look all pretty and everything and goddess-like when you're the bride, so that definitely includes hairstyling. Luckily, hairstyling happens to be something I'm good at."

Hailey raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "What kind of style do you think my hair should be in?"

Rowan eyed Hailey for a few moments, trying to think of what hairstyle would look good on her. Then, she seemed to have an idea.

"I think your hair would look good in a low chignon. Maybe I can see what hairpieces would go well with it, since I have a practical collection of hairpieces."

Hailey considered what Rowan was saying. "Okay. Sounds good to me."

"Let's get the dress on you first."

Hailey got out of her loungewear. Rowan then helped Hailey get the dress on, and within moments, Hailey looked like an entirely different person.

Rowan's eyes widened. "Oh. My. God. You look gorgeous."

Hailey looked at herself in Rowan's mirror, and she was surprised. She felt like a different person.

"O-oh my God."

"We don't have any time to obsess over your dress, unfortunately." Rowan said. "We have to get your hair done."


It didn't take too long for Rowan to do Hailey's hair, which was impressive in Hailey's opinion. She figured Rowan must've been really experienced at doing hair.

"You're looking even more angelic right now." Rowan commented, smiling. "Honestly, I'm proud of myself. I think I did a pretty awesome job."

Hailey smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Yeah, you did."

Rowan's expression then turned pensive. "Well, here's the real question. Do you want anything in your hair?"

Hailey thought over it for a few moments. "I like the way my hair looks without any accessories at the moment. Do you want any accessories in my hair?"

Rowan shrugged. "Up to you, really."

"I think my hair looks fine the way it is."

Rowan nodded and smiled. "I agree."

Then, she glanced up at the clock, checking the time. "Well, I think you're all ready. Are you a little nervous?"

Hailey sighed. "Yeah, a little, but also kind of excited. I'm just still trying to get over the fact that this is all happening on my birthday."

"Perfect time to get married."

Rowan paused briefly before speaking again.

"I think it's time for us to head out now." She said. "You ready?"

Hailey took a deep breath, and then nodded, smiling.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Rowan led Hailey out of her room, and then out of her house, over to Rowan's car. As Hailey got in the car, her slight nervousness disappeared completely, and the only feeling she felt was excitement. Pure excitement.

Once Rowan started the car and started driving, Hailey looked out the window.

After today, I'm going to be an entirely different person.

I'm going to be Mrs. Page.

well, that's it. i feel like i could've done a better job with the ending, but that's okay. i just felt a little drained but i wanted to hurry up and get this done and not have people waiting. hope you enjoyed this sequel to LLM 👍

i also didn't include song lyrics or a summary here because i felt that would be a better idea.

You Shook Me (Sequel to Living Loving Maid) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang