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"Girl, you got this need to know what I'm all about
There is something that you dig you can't figure out
Well now you want to know what moves my soul
And what ticks inside of my brain
But I've got this need I just can't control and it's
A-drivin' me insane, I can't take it"
-Hungry, Paul Revere and the Raiders

*Jimmy goes to a bar with Hailey to meet up with Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck. Meanwhile, Hailey befriends Pattie Boyd.*

Hailey was laying on the couch, reading a book. She was interrupted from her reading when she heard a door open. Hailey looked up and saw Jimmy, and a smile formed on her face. "Hey." She said.

Jimmy turned around to face Hailey and he smiled. "Hey."

A curious look formed on Jimmy's face once he saw the book on Hailey's lap. "What are you reading?" He asked, heading over to Hailey.

"Oscar Wilde." Hailey answered.

Jimmy looked impressed. "Good taste."

Hailey watched as Jimmy went to get a jacket. She raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Going somewhere?"

Jimmy nodded. "I'm going to hang out with some friends." He answered. "At a bar."

Hailey smiled. "Well, don't come back super drunk."

Jimmy took a deep breath and laughed a little nervously. "I can't guarantee any promises." He said.

Hailey watched as Jimmy headed towards the door, and was about to say goodbye until Jimmy turned to look at Hailey.

"Actually, you can come along if you want, Hailey."

Hailey tilted her head. "Are you sure?" She asked. "I don't think I'm old enough to drink alcohol."

"Here in England, it's different." Jimmy explained. "Once you're eighteen, you're legally allowed to drink and buy alcohol."

Hailey slowly nodded. "Right." She said. "I guess I'll tag along, as long as things don't get too crazy."

Jimmy went to get a jacket and put one on Hailey. "When you're in a relationship with a famous rockstar," He said. "there's no such thing as 'not crazy'."


It didn't take too long for Jimmy and Hailey to reach the bar, and once they did, Hailey felt like she was in a whole different world. She felt like a kid in a candy store almost, except she was definitely not planning on getting as much alcohol as possible. Hailey looked around to see if she could find the "friends" Jimmy was going to be hanging out with, and Jimmy also seemed to be looking for them.

"Over here!"

Jimmy and Hailey both turned around to see a couple of men who didn't seem to be any older than Jimmy. It took Hailey a few moments, but she was finally able to recognize them as Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton. Beside Eric was a beautiful blonde woman. Hailey swore that the woman looked familiar, but she couldn't quite tell.

A smile broke out on Jimmy's face as he headed over to greet Jeff and Eric, Hailey following him.

"Eric, Jeff, it's a pleasure to see you two once again." Jimmy said, shaking their hands. Jimmy's attention was then focused on the blonde woman. "Who might this be?"

You Shook Me (Sequel to Living Loving Maid) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum