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"She comes in colors ev'rywhere
She combs her hair
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors"
-She's A Rainbow, The Rolling Stones

*Jimmy heads to an interview. After coming back home, he and Hailey have a discussion about his slowly worsening drug addiction, and then Jimmy gets a phone call from Robert, who wants to come to Plumpton with Jonesy and Bonzo to visit.*

Hailey was sitting in her room drawing again while listening to music. This time, she was creating a drawing of a person again, and decided to do a drawing of Jim Morrison. Right as she was about to add some color to the drawing, she heard the door open and saw Jimmy, dressed as if he was going to an interview or something similar.

"You look fancy." Hailey commented.

"I'm heading to an interview." Jimmy explained. "It's not too far away, and I should be back hopefully soon."

"That's good news." Hailey said. "Are you nervous?"

Jimmy shook his head. "No, not at all." He answered. "If there's any questions that I find uncomfortable, I'm good at being vague or dodging questions."

"I guess that's a good thing. Hope it goes well."

A smile formed on Jimmy's face. "Thanks. I guarantee it'll go fine. I should be home within an hour or two."

"You sure you'll be fine without me?" Hailey then asked, smiling.

"Yeah, I will." Jimmy replied. "Well, I'll try."

Then, not too long later, Jimmy had disappeared, and Hailey was only excited for when he would come back. She looked back at her drawing, and decided to pick up where she left off, adding color to the drawing. It wasn't long until she managed to complete her drawing, full of psychedelic colors, some lyrics to Light My Fire on the side, going downward.


Hailey was laying down on the couch, watching television. She had been glancing at the clock every so often to check the time, and so far, almost 2 hours had passed since Jimmy left for his interview. She decided not to worry, though, and told herself that he'd be home soon. Then, after what seemed like days, Hailey heard the door open, and Jimmy showed up, with a bottle of Jack Daniel's.

"Where'd you get that?" Hailey asked.

"Liquor store nearby."

For some reason, that caused Hailey to remember just how frail Jimmy was starting to become. In only within the span of nearly a year, Jimmy was starting to look different, and didn't look the way he looked when Hailey had met him, and when their relationship had started. Hailey knew Jimmy was into drugs, and she knew he was definitely still addicted, and she wished he wasn't.

"You okay?" Jimmy asked.

"Y...yeah, it's just that you're starting to look a little different now."

"I know." Jimmy said, appearing to understand what Hailey meant. "Yeah, I know it's because of the heroin. It's just...tough."

"Are you ever going to quit?"

Jimmy paused for a few moments, and then sighed. "I wish I could." He answered. "At this point, it's almost like the only thing that's keeping me going, besides alcohol. It's just...too hard to quit, you know? It's like I'm in a cage that I'm locked in and can't escape."

Hailey slowly nodded, trying to understand what Jimmy meant. She felt bad for him, she really did. She wanted to get rid of the heroin he took, but she knew that if she did, she could probably end up killing him or making him severely ill. Hailey knew that once drug addiction was too powerful, it was like you couldn't live without the drugs. If somebody were to take them from you, it was like you'd almost die.

Then, the phone started ringing. Jimmy turned around and headed over to the phone, picking it up.

"Hello? Oh, hi Robert."

Hailey watched as Jimmy appeared to be having a phone conversation with Robert, and she wondered why he was calling Jimmy.

"Yeah, I'm doing okay, I guess. Had to go to an interview today."

Then, Jimmy paused for a few moments.

"You want to come over with Jonesy and Bonzo? Man, that would be great. I haven't seen you all in a while. Wait, you guys want to come over today? Go ahead. I don't mind."

Hailey felt her heart leap. She hadn't seen Robert and the others in a long time, and she hoped Robert was improving after his car accident. It seemed like he had improved, if he was willing to come to Plumpton with Jonesy and Bonzo.

After Jimmy said goodbye, he hung up the phone and looked at Hailey.

"Well, it looks like we're going to be having company today." He said, finally smiling after that rather not-too-happy conversation he had with Hailey prior to the phone call.

"Is Robert doing better?" Hailey asked. "Seems like he is."

Jimmy nodded. "Yeah, I think he's definitely making some good improvement. He's probably going to show up with a cane or something, or maybe still a wheelchair. Who knows?"

"How long do you think it'll take for them to get here?"

"Maybe a couple hours or less." Jimmy answered. "After all, they're here in England. It shouldn't take them too long to get here. They don't live too far, at the moment."

Hailey felt a rush of happiness, and just couldn't wait to see Robert, Jonesy, and Bonzo again.

another kind of short chapter, but it do be like that sometimes. anyways, from now on, things are probably going to be sadder and not as happy because something bad's gonna happen oh shit oh fuck

please keep in mind that there will be a SEVERE trigger warning for the sad chapter, which will be the next chapter, which i'm hoping to make it long. i'm also probably going to update the summary for you shook me because i originally intended for it to be all romantic n shit but then i was like "no"

You Shook Me (Sequel to Living Loving Maid) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum