Chapter 29: The Optimist.

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    She fell asleep in my arms the same way she always does after a while longer of talking. I tried to make her laugh, and she did for a while, but I could see that she was still hurting, but it was freeing. It was freeing to her that she got to be hurt, that she got to show that she wasn't okay. I never wanted her to think of me as someone who pushes things on her, like forcing her to stop working so she can spend time with her father, or pushing her away because she has problems. She doesn't realize that everyone has problems. It was only two years ago that I lost my step father, and it hurt but I made it through. I know how she feels, I know what she's going through, he died of cancer as well... I know what it's like watching someone you love fall apart the way her father is. I know what it's like to fill my life with work, and travel just to get away from the pain... It doesn't help either, it never helps.
    I've been awake for hours. I hardly slept at all because all I could think about was the conversation I had with her father while her family was here for christmas. He was asking me my intentions, telling me that I couldn't run when she got complicated or times got hard, and I know why now. I know he was telling me this because he didn't want me to run when she broke, when she fell apart when he was gone. The only words I can think of, the ones that ring in my head are the ones of him asking me if I was going to ask for his blessing. El knew then why he said that, but I had no idea. I had no clue that he wanted me to ask him for his blessing because when the time comes, when I decide to finally propose to her he's not going to be here anymore. He knew that, and he trusts me enough, he likes me enough to push for that. So I've waited. It's around ten in L.A now meaning it's going to be around one or two in Georgia. I can call now. I stole her father's phone number from her phone while she slept. She's still sleeping now, and she won't know I'm making this call.
    "Hello?" I hear his thick southern accent, and I situate myself even though he obviously can't see me. I don't know why I'm so nervous, I shouldn't be at all.
    "Hello sir, um.. It's Harry, is it a bad time?" I ask, and he laughs.
    "Well obviously it's you. I ain't gonna have any other brits calling this number... It ain't a bad time, me and Suz are just on our way home from the... from lunch." He hesitates, and I know that they must have been told not to tell me anything, El wanted to tell me herself. "How the hell did you get my number, and why are you callin me?" He asks, breaking the silence.
    "I got your number from El's phone, but she has no idea that I'm calling... I.. Well last night we had a conversation, and she told me about... She finally told me of your sickness, and I wanted to call to say I'm sorry, and that I'm here for you, and your family through all of this..." I tell him, dancing around the words I want to say.
    "Well finally. I'm glad she told you son, but what's the real reason you're callin me?" He asks, calling me out.
    "I wished I could do this in person but unfortunately I can't fly to you right now... While you were here, and in LA you asked me if I was going to ask you for your blessing, and I was confused as to why at the time but now I know... I understand it." I tell him, and continue on, noticing the pace I've started across the floor. "I know I technically already asked, but I did it because I was thrown off, and I was confused... but now that I know the things that I do, now that I know El even more so than before... I wanted to ask you again, but I wanted it to be by my doing, not by yours." I tell him softly, and he lets out a small laugh.
    "Well go ahead then, we don't have all day." I can hear a smile through his words.
    "Your daughter... Though she's the most complicated woman I've ever met she's also the kindest, most caring woman I've ever met. She's hardworking, and absolutely breathtaking no matter when you see her... I never really thought about things like marriage and settling down because I was always on the move, going from country to country, but with her I can see it. I can feel it, and I think of owning a house in London with her, growing old with her, raising kids with her, and she's it, she's the only one... I know it won't be for some time, I know that we're not ready for that step yet, but I know we will be one day. It would be a dream to marry your daughter sir, and all I can ask is your approval and your blessing. If I didn't have it I think you and El would kill me." I throw a joke at the end, and I hear a small chuckle from the other end.
    "You really love my Ellie bug don't you?" He asks, and I smile at the nickname.
    "With all my heart sir." I lean against the tall window, the front of my shoulder resting there as I look out over the city we call home.
    "I can see it. I ain't got a thing for brits, but I got a thing for you. I ain't gonna be here for that day. I ain't gonna see my princess walk down that aisle, but I can damn near promise you that if it ain't you at the end of the aisle waitin for my daughter I will come back down to this earth, and I will stop that damn wedding... You have my blessing for the second time." He tells me, and even though there's a joking quality to his voice, I know he's genuine, this is the most serious he's ever been towards me. "Now are you gonna ask a third time, or are you going to stop bein a weirdo?" He asks, bringing back the Garrison I know.
    "That's all sir... thank you for trusting me." I tell him, and I hear a shuffle and a bit of arguing.
    "Hey sweetheart!" I hear her mom shout into the phone.
    "Dammit Suzie, give me that back." He argues, and I laugh at the playful fighting. "Is that all?" He asks.
    "Yes that's all, thank you." I say it again.
    "Alright well you take care of my bug, and you two need to try to come here sometime soon alright?" He asks, and I smile, knowing I'll have to talk it over with El.
    "We'll try, thank you again." I hang up the phone, and don't even think about going up to her. I want her to sleep, to get some rest. I'll get her something to wake up to though, that's something I know she'll love. I grab my keys from the counter, and walk down the stairs, going into the showroom and stopping when I see the lights on. I look around, and see Anthony sitting at the new desk right next to El's.
    "You look like shit." He mumbles, and I roll my eyes, moving towards him instead of moving to the door.
    "How kind of you... We had a bit of a rough night last night, I didn't sleep much." I tell him truthfully.
    "Why did you have a rough night..." He pushes on, and he has insinuation in his voice, there's no way he doesn't know, she tells him everything.
    "Some things about her dad came out... I showed her the album as well, and it ended alright, we're fine, but it took us a second to get there." I tell him, and he sighs in relief, falling back into his desk chair.
    "Oh thank god she told you... Jesus I was about to beat her if she didn't... You're the most patient man in the world I think, and all I can say is, where do I find one? Do you have a twin brother that happens to be into men named Anthony?" He asks me, causing me to laugh.
    "Sadly no, I'm sorry to disappoint... She's been struggling with it a lot I'm guessing? Has she told you anything about what's going on in her head?" I ask, hoping to get some insight.
    "Shockingly enough all she's been worried about is how you would take it. She's been worried about if you're going to be upset, or do something rash... She cares about you, not herself man, and that's something I never thought I would say." He tells me, tapping his pen on the clear white desk.
    "I'm just afraid she's going to shut down... I don't know what to say to her honestly." I tell him truthfully, having come to him for advice more times than I can count at this point.
    "There's not much you can say to her... All anyone can do, me included, is just be there for her... Try to guide her so she doesn't end up shutting down." He tells me, and I'm thankful she's got someone like Anthony, that we both do. I agree with what he says, but my eyes travel to his desk.
    "What are you working on? I ask him, walking to the desk, and picking up the design in my hands. A lot of pink...
    "Design for Kacey. El and I talked about ideas, and we decided to go for something along the lines of... Well, I don't want to tell you everything but El has been pretty busy with some other designs, and she's supposed to be doing this one, but I decided I'd start... Where are you going?" He asks me, and I set the design down.
    "I was going to get some breakfast for El, and I... Can I get you anything?" I ask him, and he furrows his brows.
    "A coffee? Wherever you go, just black is fine." He tells me, and I head out, moving to my car. I wonder what she's got planned for the day, I wonder what we will do today because I won't be leaving her side.

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