(Bayverse) Crosshairs x reader ✓

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This was a request from @Autobot2001 . This will also have a tiny mention of Drift x reader as well.

Gender neutral reader

I apologise for taking so long on this, and the future chapters. And no, it's not about the world's state affecting me. It's because I am addicted to playing Friday the 13th game on the Nintendo Switch. And ever time I get to trying to update, I get distracted by something/playing this game/I have to do some errands.

|This little story doesn't take place in any movie. It's like a little scenario. Sorry if it's short.|

"Another boring day, another boring night. Why can't anything be amazing nowadays? I do not know." I've stated nonchalantly to myself.

"Well maybe it's because you don't do anything exciting nowadays (C/N)." Crosshairs walked up to me.

"And what's that's suppose to mean?" I asked him.

"For starters, you sit around doing nothing basically the whole day. Secondly, you've also been around boring old Drift lately." He explained normally until he mentioned Drift's name. It felt like he was jealous of him.

"Crosshairs is there a reason why your here?" I asked him, ignoring his venomous tone at the end of his explanation.

"What? Can't I just have a conversation with you?" He said while looking a little bit taken aback by my question.

"I think it's rather interesting that whenever you come talk with me. You seem to always flirt. So, are hiding something from me? Or, are you jealous with a certain bot I've been hanging out with?"

"I am not jealous of a samurai." He quickly said while blushing a little bit.

"Okay, if you say so." I told him, getting up from my sitting position.

After I got up I walked up to o Crosshairs and kissed his cheekplate.

Walking away from a more flustered Crosshairs behind me.


Again sorry for making this short. Didn't know what to do with this one.

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