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CATALINA COULDN'T believe this was happening. How had she gone from living the luxurious life of royalty to trudging through a forest, surrounded by Narnians, who were merely a fairytale less than a few days ago. The girl walked slower than her brother and the Pevensies who all took charge, leading everyone through the trees.

After the Pevensie's encounter with Caspian, they'd immediately began the trek to god only knows where. Catalina had tried to talk to her brother but he excused himself and merely pushed ahead, trying to regain control of the Narnians. She couldn't blame him but she could feel a spark of annoyance light up inside of her.

Catalina was quiet, she felt out of place in her purple gown, and her Telmarine-like ways. She crossed her arms uncomfortably, as the girl glanced around in hope of seeing Trumpkin, only to see the dwarf conversing with another one of his Narnian friends.

"I hope you don't mind me saying this Miss, but you look ever so disheartened." A small voice spoke up, as they walked.

Catalina looked down in surprise at the mouse from earlier, "I can't help but to feel a tad bit out of place." The girl admitted, fidgeting with her fingers nervously.

"There is a place for everyone in Narnia." Reepicheep replied, scampering along the woodland floor. "Aslan respects all who walk under the Narnian sun."

"Aslan?" Catalina asked, her head raising slightly out of curiosity, "I've heard a lot about him, yet I've failed to see him so far."

"When the time is right, Aslan shows his might" the mouse quoted, as if he had chided himself over the great lion many times before.

"That's very wise." Catalina commented, straightening up as her brother and the Pevensie's stopped at the top of the hill ahead. They crossed over and Catalina's mouth dropped open in awe.

In front of them stood a wide stone structure, it's outsides filled with Narnians and the entrance lined with Centaurs with raised swords. As she approached the How, she noticed her brother stopping to let the Pevensie's tale charge. She glanced down at Reepicheep who looked around proudly before scampering forwards.

The girl swiftly followed her newfound friend as he entered Aslans How. Catalina looked around anxiously for any sign of her brother and the Pevensies but alas, she came to a loss. The mouse jumped onto the girls shoulder, causing her to flinch as he did so.

"Do not fret, in the mean time- I'll give you a small tour!" The mouse exclaimed upon seeing the girls disheartened expression.

"I would like that." Catalina agreed, letting the small mouse guide her around the how, showing her the ins and outs of the storm structure. She was led through rooms where Narnians crafted weaponry and where Narnians were feasting on their rations.

"-And this is where I go to think about all my triumphs and woes." Reepicheep continued, waving his hand at the stone ledge in front of them.

"It's lovely, Reep!" Catalina complimented the small creature, she heard a faint yelling inside and turned around to face the inside of the How.

"CATALINA?" Caspian called out, as he walked quickly through the masses. The girl stayed quiet, the same spark of annoyance arising, she couldn't tell how long it had been since they'd last spoken but it was far too long for her liking.

The boy soon spotted his sister and Reepicheep near the stone ledge and scrambled towards them. "Catalina!" Caspian sighed, bringing the girl in for a bone-crushing hug, while Reep jumped off her shoulder and left the two siblings to reunite, "I missed you so much!"

The girl stiffed at her brothers touch but soon sunk into Caspians embrace. "I cannot help but to feel mad at you." She muttered, wrapping her arms around her brothers frame.

"What ever for?" The prince asked in confusion causing the girl to scowl.

"We were reunited after days of me thinking that you had died, yet you tossed me aside and barely greeted me- hence my annoyance." Catalina spoke steadily, suppressing any arising tears.

Caspian hugged his sister tighter (if that was even possible). "I apologise." The prince said briefly, "I am treated like the highest of royalty here, I had my duties to uphold."

Catalina broke away from his grasp, "Duties in which you cannot check on your young sister whom has been declared the murderer of her brother in her home country?" She answered, her harsh tone making the boy look down.

Catalina took a deep breath before regaining her calmness. "I'm sorry for my unnecessary outburst but I was terrified, Casp. I thought you'd left me like mother and father did." She whimpered, her anger completely flushing out of her body.

"Lina, we made a promise to one another when we were young." Caspian reminded the girl, "I said I would never leave this world without you- that I would always be here."

"I know..." Catalina sighed, while her brother draped an arm over her. The girl rested her head on his shoulder, her eyes closing as she took in their magical surroundings.

"Now, I believe it's time we get some food before everyone else savages it." Caspian chuckled, guiding his sister towards the eating hall, and for once since she'd arrived in Narnia, she finally felt like she partially belonged.

this is so short and way too due, but just roll with it my little bambino's.

Love y'all!

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