Chapter 5

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The next morning, Victoria woke up to a blinding light in her in her eyes, she  closed her eyes and rubbed it because of the light, she sat up from her position  and stretched her hands and flexed her toes,she stood up, said her morning prayers and went to get ready for her first day at work, she wore a there working shirt and a black Jeans and an addidas sport shoe, with her hair in a messy bun, and a small earring, small necklace and she put on a light makeup, when she was done, she went downstairs and found Jack still asleep, she decided to wake him so he can get ready for work, so she walked over to where he was and woke him up.
  Wake up sleepy head",she said, shaking him.
     ahhhhhhhhhh",he groaned.
    Get up, or you'll miss your first day of work",she said, smiling at his childishness.
  He dashed up,ran upstairs, said his morning prayers and brushed his teeth,took a shower and wore his shirt for his work and dark blue jean, and smoothed out his hair.
    He went downstairs and joined her for breakfast. While going down the stairs, he smelled something that was possibly delicious, when he got down it was an omelette.
   You made omlette's ?",he asked enthusiastically.
   Goodmorning to you too",she said.
     Goodmorning",he said slightly embarrassed.
    And yes, I made omelette's, why do you ask",she said.
   Because they are my favorite food to eat in the morning", he said.
    Well, I can tell with your enthusiasm",she said smiling at him.
    Come help me set this on the table",she said.
  While eating in the comfortable silence, Tori wanted to break it,"So...., how was your night.
   Oh, it was good",he said, but not happily.
    Okay, that does not sound like, you had a good night, so what happened", she said with concern.
    I...I,I had a bad dream, about me losing you, you were running away from me for no reason, and I started to freak out, because I was losing the best friend in the world, but I didn't want to give up so, I ran after u, I was nearly about to reach you when u woke me up",he said sadly.
     Hey', she said holding his hands",  you'll never lose me as your bestfriend, never, and I'll never run away from you , you're the only person I have as a family, so we're in this together, bestfriends forever",she said and put a sympathetic smile on her face.
     She got up and wrapped her arms around him, he snuggled his face into her neck, and she did the same to him, they stayed there for minutes appreciating each others presence and friendship,finally they broke apart, and Jackson saw tears running down Victoria's face, he used his finger and wiped it,then he said", Yes,I'll never lose, we're bestfriends, and we're in this together, so please don't cry, like you said I'll never leave you, but don't take my word for",he tried to joke with a fake smile but it didn't go so well.
    Wait, what, are you planning on leaving me, I thou-",she was cut off when he said", No,it was joke, I shouldn't have made that joke,I'm sorry.
   It's okay, you were only trying to lighten the mood",she said.
   I think we should get going, as much as I don't want to end this hug fest, and I know you can't get enough",he said smirking.
    She blushed at his choice of words.
    Yeah, you're right let's go",she said while walking to the kitchen to put up their plates, and then she got the keys and they both walked out together and she locked the door.
    While walking Jackson held Tori's hands but Tori didn't mind, so they kept on walking and talking and laughing, when they finally got to their destination, they knew it was time to face reality, so they gave each other one last hug and words of  encouragement.
    Goodmorning",Victoria said when she walked in with a pleasant smile on her face.
     Goodmorning to you too", the cashier said back.
   My name is", she was cut off by the cashier.
   Victoria, yeah I know because your bestfriend here told me about you, but don't worry they were all good stuff.
   That's when Jackson came in and said Goodmorning, and waved a little,then went to register his name and Victoria's.
    My name is Belle, and I'm pleased to have you guys today, here are your stations, and your work tags", the cashier said cheerfully.
    Thank you", Victoria said while collecting it.
   Thank you", Jackson said and did the same thing.
     Your welcome", Belle said.
     Victoria and Jackson, went to their different stations but they were not far apart, unlike they thought it would be.
    So, what are we supposed to do", Victoria asked Jackson.
      Hold up, let me ask Belle", he said.
         Hey, Belle, can you explain to us what exactly we are to do", he said.
     Yeah", she said", you are to organize your station for the customers, so you can scan the things they buy, but if there is any difficulty, there is a qr code, scan on the back of your work tags, so all you have to do is scan it on the scanner and correct the mistake you made, and all the accessories on here are not for free, which you should know but I just wanted to tell", she said.
    Okay, Thanks", Both Victoria and Jackson said.
     So, they all went to work and organized there station, and soon after they were customers, and pretty soon work was almost over.
    "Hey, wanna grab dinner before we get home", Jackson asked.
    "Yeah, sure, let me just get my stuff first", Victoria replied, gathering her stuff.
   "All done", Victoria said.
" Okay, let's go",Jackson said, intertwining her left hand with his right hand.
  She blushed. Thinking of what people might say when they see their hands intertwining.
    When they left their work place and Jackson noticed that Victoria's face was flushed.
   "What's wrong, your cheeks are flushed?" Jackson smirked innocently, knowing exactly what it was that made her flush.
   She looked up at him, and her cheeks felt like they were about to burst with flames.
  "It's just people are gonna think we are together when they see our hands intertwined",she muttered.
  "What was that I couldn't hear you?" Jackson bit his lip to keep him from chuckling.
   "And when you say it again, speak louder",he teased.
    "Ummm.....well, I said, people are gonna think we are together when they see our hands intertwined", she said, looking down at her feet shuffling.
   Jackson stopped walking, which caused Victoria to stop walking, and made her walk right into his shoulder, her cheeks turned red slightly, and when Jackson turned she looked at her feet, like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
   Jackson curved his index finger, placed it under her chin and used his thumb to support her chin, he tilted her head up, so there eyes met, and put his left arm around her waist and brought her closer to him, while she was turning crimson red, and she had never  felt so vulnerable to someone like this before, she tried to pull away but his hold became tighter.
   "Does this position also tell people were together", he whispered huskily into her ear.
  "Y-yes", she muttered back, looking behind to see if people were staring at them and sure enough few passersby were staring at them in awe?
   "Good, cause I don't want my bestfriend taken away from me, I want them to know you're taken by me, your bestfriend, because I am your bestfriend right?" He whispered in the same tone he used previously.
    "Yes, you are, and will always be", she replied, and wrapped her arms around his neck.
    "Good", he said, taking his hands of her waist and holding her left hand," know let's go have dinner".
   Victoria was quiet all the way to the Chinese restaurant, and so was Jackson, but inside Jackson, he was smirking knowing what he did to her.
   Whilst Victoria was asking herself somewhat reasonable and unreasonable questions.
   When they got to the Chinese restaurant, they ordered their food for a takeaway, on the way home Victoria could smell the food, and her belly rumbled eager to eat it.
   "Someone's hungry",Jackson said, chuckling.
   "Yep, luckily we're going to home", she said, and finally they reached home.
   Victoria gathered the food and set them on the table, then she went upstairs to take a shower and change into something comfortable which is a sweatpant and a  hoodied crop top, when she came downstairs, she didn't see Jackson, thinking he probably went upstairs to take a shower and change.
  After a few minutes of Victoria watching T.V, Jackson finally came downstairs, wearing a sweatpant and a shirt.
   "You take longer than a girl does to get ready",Victoria said, rolling eyes.
   "Like I normally say-" he was cut off by Victoria when she said", don't tell me, a boy has to take care of his hair or a boys gotta look his best".  
   Jackson looked at her for a few seconds and smirked.
   "What?, you know what?, never mind, let's eat", she said, getting up to get the food from the table.
   "Sit down I'll get, I'm already standing up", he said, walking over to the table Victoria placed the food, he got it and walked over to the Living room and placing it on the coffee table, while sitting on the couch.
  "Let's pray before we eat", Jackson said.
   "Okay, I'll lead the prayer", Victoria responded.
   "Father God, we thank you for today and the food you provide for us each day and for taking care of us, bless this food to nourish our bodies. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
    "Okay, now we can dig in", Jackson said.
   Victoria grabbed a spaghetti cup and some chopsticks, while Jackson grabbed some fish rolls, while eating and watching T.V, Victoria snuggled up into Jacksom side while thinking about what happened on their way to the chinese restaurant.
   Jackson looked at her face expression and noticed she wasn't really paying attention to the T.V, so he turned off the TV and turned to her and set his food down, making her turn to him staring at food sheepishly.
   "What's on your mind?"Jackson asked.
"Its nothing", she replied.
      "Hey", he said lifting her head to take her eyes off the food", tell me truth, we are bestfriends, and bestfriends don't keep secret from each other".
   "Its just-" she trailed off.
"Just what?" He pressed.
"Its just about the thing that happened on our way to the chinese restuarant, what you did, people saw us and if we go out some people might think we are together, like a couple", she said looking  into his eyes.
   "Is that wrong, is it wrong for people to think we are a couple?" He asked.
   "Yes.. wait, I mean no, i don't know", She said looking conflicted.
   "I'm gonna go upstairs, besides we have work tomorrow, and I don't want to be late", he said, getting up to leave th living room, he was almost at the kitchen when Victoria told him wait.
  "Wait, wait, stop, I just-" she trailed off.
"Just what Victoria", he said, but the way he said her name sounded cold.
   A tear slipped down Victoria's right eye as she walked close to him.
  "I just don't want people to think we are a couple", she repeated.
   "And I'll ask again, Victoria what's wrong with us being a couple", He sounded cold and torn.
  Tears were slipping down Victoria's face as she witnessed her bestfriends tone change at what she thought was a petty reason.
   "Why is your voice cold?" She asked, walking slightly closer to him.
   "Don't change the subject, and answer my question, what's wrong with thinking we are a couple, what's wrong with people thinking we are together",he asked his tone raised slightly angered.
   "I don't want to be a couple", she yelled out anger, then she realised what she said and more tears rolled out of her eyes.
   "See, it wasn't that hard to admit, was it, it wasn't that hard to admit that you just don't want to be a couple, it wasn't that hard to admit you were giving yourself excuses", he said, calmly but with brokenness in his voice.
  "Damien, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that, I didn't mean it", she said walking closer to him, only for him to take a step back which tore her heart, her knees grew weak at what she just witnessed.
  "Why? Gosh why? Why would say you didn't mean it, when it's so clear that you do?, answer the question Victoria. Why?" He yelled the last part.
   She dropped to the floor with tears running down her, her heart ached with pain, she didn't know why this conversation tore them both.
   "I'm sorry, Damien, please Jack", She said looking up at him.
   He couldn't handle seeing her like that and when she called his middle name with a broken voice.
  "I'm going upstairs, I can't.... I just can't", he said going upstairs.
   "Jackson wait, please don't leave", she said, the she whispered", don't leave just like how everyone else has".
   Whilst Jackson was upstairs, dreading the fact that he made her cry so badly, he'd never seen her cry like that before, he promised himself, he'll never do anything to hurt her, but he just did.
  He was so mad he punched the wall, the words and pleas from her mouth kept on playing in his head, I don't want to be couple, damien please.
  And the last one he caught before he went upstairs was don't leave just like how everyone else has.
   Victoria got up from her sitting position contemplating on asking him to dance with her or dance alone and let him join her, she knew right then was not the moment to think about dances but they both needed to clear their minds from all this.
   So, she went upstairs to her room changed into her short-tights and a crop top for contemporary ballet, she cleaned her face up, wore her contemporary shoes and went to her dance room.
  Once she got into the room, she switched on light and took it all in, and went to prep the put music she contemplated on what music to dance to but she decided on this current situation she'll go with 'all of me'.
  She turned on the music loud, because they didn't have neighbors to complain, but also because she wanted to get to attention, she danced for a while, tears rolled down her cheek occasionally, she danced beautifully, mean while Jackson was upstairs hearing the music.
  Jackson was on his bed hearing the music from downstairs, he was having an argument if he should go down but he figured that's probably what she wanted and he was going to give it to her, so he went downstairs, followed the trail of the music and found her dancing, he was in awe, she was so beautiful, the light reflected off of her legs and her face, oh, her face contorted in several heartbreaking emotions with tears rolling down her cheeks, the song ended and she stood in front of the mirror looking at her reflection,noticing how broken she looked and felt, she hadn't felt this way since her parent died, a tear rolled down her face as she taught about everything she'd been through and the fight she just had with her bestfriend.
  She wanted to dance again, so she went to put on another music 'before you go', Jackson was watching her, his heart broke as she watched herself in the mirror and how she walked to turn on the music.
  Victoria felt someone watching her, so she turned and saw Jackson staring at her.
  Jackson saw her turn his way and look at him, they locked eyes for two seconds and Jackson turned around walking back upstairs, when Victoria called him.
  "Damien, wait", she called out before he could leave the room.
  He kept on walking, about to leave the doorway.
  "Wait, please, please just hear me out", she pleaded.
   "What is it, Victoria", he said and turned around to face her.
  Victoria walked towards him and hugged him, she put her face into his chest, and her arms around his shoulder, when Jackson didn't hug her back, she pulled away.
  But still stood where she was.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that, I do want us to be a couple, I got mad, and I'm not worried about the fact that people will see us a couple, I just don't want attention, I'm not used to attention, I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I just can't bare to live like this, two broken hearts in a big house, please forgive me", she finished breath heavily from sobbing and her speech.
   Victoria stood looking at her feet thinking Jackson was never gonna forgive her, the thought of it brought tears to her eyes, and a stubborn tear rolled down her face, Jackson lifted his hand to touch her face, but she flinched  when his hand raised up thinking he was gonna hit her but calmed down when she saw he was just wiping the tear from her face.
    "You thought I was gonna hit you?" Jackson asked, his voice broke.
   "Damien, I'm sorry, I just, um-" Jackson cut her off.
  "Did Madame Linh ever hit you", he asked her.
  She looked down at her feet not knowing what to say.
  Jackson lifted her chin, so her eyes met his", Answer me, Victoria, did she?.
  She nodded yes.
"Come here, don't ever think I would hurt you or raise my hand to hit you", he said, hugging her placing his chin on her head, his hands were wrapped around her petite waist.
  She was sobbing and shaking, but not too much.
  Jackson pulled out hug, but Victoria still hid her face into his chest.
  "Baby, I need you to look me, please", he pleaded.
  She looked at him, and their eyes meet.
He wiped her tears and assured her that they were okay
  "Damien?" Victoria called.
"Yes", Jackson replied.
     "Will you dance with me please?" She asked.
   "Sure", he said.
  Victoria went to play all of me again, so they could dance.
   They danced beautifully and at the end of the dance Victoria was facing Jackson and they were both breathing heavily.
  They were so close that if one of them moved their head their lips might meet, and their nose touched while another music, when another music came on 'before you go'.
  "Vicky, I'm sorry, I overreacted, I didn't  obey the fact that you didn't want people to know we were a couple when we aren't, and I understand when you said you didn't want us to be a couple, but I can't deny my feeling for you, I like you alot and I understand if you don't", he whispered, his voice was husky.
  "Damien, gosh, why would you think I don't want us to be together or a couple", she whispered.
  "Maybe, because you said it yourself", he said.
   Victoria's faces paled in both embarrassment and regret.
  "I didn't mean it, I was angry, I'm sorry", she said.
   "Babe?" He called.
"Yeah", she responded, a smile twitching at her face at the fact he called her babe.
  "Do you know how many times you've said sorry this night?" He asked.
   "No, I'm sorry, oh gosh, I-" she was cut by Jackson lips.
   She was shocked but she responded quickly, and they kissed for a minute, then Jackson pulled away.
  "I'm sorry, I didn't mea-" he got cut off, when he felt warm pair of lips on his again, and he responded quickly by wrapping an arm around her waist and bringing her closer to him, he bit her lip and pulled away.
  "You don't know how much I've always wanted to do that", he said.
   "Me neither", she replied.
  "Damien?" She called.
     "Yes, baby", he replied.
   "I like you,too", she said, looking down at her feet.
   "Vicky, look at me", he demanded.
  She looked up at him, but didn't look him in the eyes.
  "Look at my eyes", he said.
And she did.
    "Vicky, there no need to be afraid, I'm never gonna hurt you and I'm never gonna let anyone hurt, and we don't have to rush things, if you dont trust me-",he got cut off.
   "I do trust you, I'm just afraid you'll leave-", she trailed off.
   "Just like everyone else",he completed.
  "It's never going to happen, I'll always be here", he said.
  "You know, that promise isn't rest assured", she stated.
   "I know, but I also know I'll always remain in your heart", he said.
   "Come on, it's time to go to bed", he said.
   Jackson turned off the music and walked out with Victoria and turned off the light on their way out, when they got upstairs, Victoria wanted to sleep beside Jackson and so did Jackson want to sleep beside her.
   Victoria opened her door to enter her room when Jackson grabbed her arm and turned her around so she faced him.
  "No goodnight kiss or hug for me?" He asked.
  "I'm sor-" she got cut off, when Jackson kissed her softly.
  "Don't say it, I was just messing with you", he said.
  "Goodnight, baby girl", he said.
"Goodnight, Damien", she replied.
      Victoria took a quick shower, changed to her pajamas and laid on her bed, she tried to sleep but she tossed and turned and so did Jackson, they were both thinking about how their lips felt and how they resolved everything.
  Victoria couldn't sleep for another thirty minutes, so she decided to go to Jackson's room, she knocked on his door and Jackson said come in and she went into his room.
  She saw him with only a sweatpant on and no shirt, she blushed furiously when she saw his perfectly defined abs and muscles, she was about to walk out when Jackson walked over to her and caught her forearm and turned her around so they faced each other.
   "Where are you going?" He whispered huskily.
   "I-I wa-was going b-ba-back to my room", she answered.
   "Why?, I thought you came to sleep here", he questioned.
    "I did, but...", her eyes trailed his abs.
  Jackson followed her eyes and saw where it landed, his abs, he smirked knowing the effect he had on her.
   "Do you want me to put a shirt on?" He smirked knowingly.
   "No,no, you're fine, its your room, but can I sleep here, I can't sleep at all", she said.
  "Definitely", he answered.
They both got on the bed and Jackson wrapped his arms around waist and brought her closer to him.
  Jackson kissed the back of her neck and whispered", Goodnight Babe.
   "Goodnight, Babe", she whispered back.



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