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Chapter Twenty : Dedicated

Chapter Twenty : Dedicated

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3rd Person POV:

"C'mon, don't be mad Padfoot," James said wrapping an arm around Sirius.

"You're leaving me with literally no one, how could you do this to me? I mean, I'm can't go because I'm only a chaser, but Remus gets to go even though he's not even on the team?" He dramatically posed putting a hand to his head, leaving his untouched toast on his plate.

"Hey, Remus is very important as our commentator! And besides, we'll be back before you know it man." In response, Sirius just glared at James before taking a bite of his toast.


Across the table, a similar situation was happening to Elizabeth.

"Eliza, are you mad at us?" Emilia asked the Slytherin who had been quiet for most of the morning.

"Mad? No, why would you say that?" Elizabeth glared as she stabbed a fork into her eyes (We meant eggs but it was too funny lmao) and Summer and Emilia glanced at each other.

Summer coughed, "Eliza it's not fair that we would have to skip this for you when the Quidditch Captains themselves asked us to go!"

Elizabeth sighed, guess why that's why she's a Ravenclaw. Emilia and Summer had both been asked to go to a mini Quidditch trial by their team captains because they had shown an interest in joining the team and seemed good at the magical sport. "I know, and I'm sorry for sulking. It's just I'm going to be alone for most of the day. I mean, you can't study for a whole day," Elizabeth mumbled the last part of her sentence and Emilia looked like she had sprung a idea.

"I know! Maybe you could hang out with Sirius?" Elizabeth choked on her eggs. She patted her chest as she looked up to the two. Of course, it would be possible for her to hang out with Sirius since only the Quidditch Captains would be going to the unofficial trials, but Elizabeth wasn't entirely sure on it only being them for nearly a whole day.

"I know we're fri- acquaintances or whatever but-"

"Oh my Merlin, Emi did you hear that? Our dear Eliza called Sirius Black her acquaintance!" Summer wrapped a arm around Emilia as she did the same gesture to her.

"Not even! I think I even heard the word friend!" The two were looking smug and were giggling like crazy as Elizabeth put her head on the table in frustration.



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