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Chapter Sixteen : Caring

Chapter Sixteen : Caring

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3rd Person POV :

It was another term at Hogwarts, Elizabeth had came back with a few new bruises and much more noticible eye bags. Of course, her uniform was pristine and her long blonde hair was tucked behind her tiny ears with tiny crystal earings stuck in them, to any other person she looked like a Slytherin princess.

She carried her dark green bags onto the train, almost tripping over them lost in thought. Is Sirius okay? Did he get to James'? Did James get my letter? Elizabeth tried not to think about him but right now he was all that occupied her mind, it had been like that ever since the ball.

Not paying attention to her surroundings, she bumped into someone falling down onto the floor.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Slytherin Princess?" Elizabeth looked up, brushing her fallen pieces of hair behind her face. Marlene McKinnon.

"If I throw a stick, will you leave?" Elizabeth asked innocently, tilting her head. Her face angered.

"Did you just refer to me as a dog?" Marlene spat out as Elizabeth stood up, brushing herself off.

"I was referring to you as a bitch. There's not much difference, is there Love?" Marlene's mouth was agape now, she took a threating step towards the blonde.

"Why you little-"

"Eliza!" Marlene got inturupted by an energetic ginger bisexual. Eliza smiled fondly at the sight of her friend, Emilia. "Summer really wants to talk to you so you ought to come now!" With no further questions, Emilia grabbed Elizabeth's petite hands and started walking past a rather furious Marlene.

"Thanks for saving me back there Emi. I thought she was going to claw my face then," Elizabeth sighed with relief.

"What did you do to get Marlene so mad at you? I thought we were trying to be more friendly," Emilia huffed. The girls walked into their usual compartment on the train, and were greeted by Summer, Lily and Alice.

Alice Fortescue was a fifth year Gryffindor just like Lily and Emilia. She was good friends with the latter, and got along well with Summer and Elizabeth whenever they talked between classes occasionally. The girls would be happy to hang out with her more if she wanted, however Alice and her loving boyfriend Frank were inseperable, and they didn't want it to be awkward.

"Hey Alice, what are you doing here?" Elizabeth asked, trying her best not to sound rude.

"Nice to see you Eliza. Frank was dragged into a compartment with his friends so Lily brought me here," the brunette explained. The five girls quickly got into a conversation and the train started moving.

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