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Chapter Two: Ordinary

Chapter Two: Ordinary

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3rd Person POV:

As soon as the words left her mouth, the Slytherin regretted it. She had heard of the reputation of the Marauders, and honestly she didn't want to deal with them trying to prank her. However, her Slytherin inside her wouldn't allow her to back down now.And of all the things, it just had to be her pride.

"Well Black, I suppose you can piss off now. I've already done basically all of the potion, thanks a lot." she glared, her chocolate eyes shifting to an emerald shade as the light hit them. She ran her fingers through her hair as her eyes pierced him, which Sirius thought was just-

"What, think I'm just going to waltz out without giving you what you deserve, Snake?" The Gryffindor couldn't hold back now. He had been raised around pure blooded idiots his whole life, it would only ever be 'the Dark Lord said this' and 'you need get your Dark Mark eventually' and he knew she grew up in conditions no better. 'She's probably only with her friends because You-Know-Who told her to,' he would assume whenever he saw her with Emilia and Summer.

However, Elizabeth was no better when it came to assumptions about Sirius. All she knew about him was that he was a blood traitor who despised his family and consequently, all Slytherins alike. To her, Sirius was just some arrogant git who played with girls like toys, finding a new one every time he got bored. 'He'd probably just try and get as many girls in his bed as possible, then act like it's some big achievement and forget all about them,' she thought everytime she sae him. Even so, whenever she saw him laughing with his friends, freely like he was having the time of his life here, she wished she could have that.Just to do whatever she wants, hang out with whoever she wants, and not be called a blood traiter. But that's not how it works. Not for me.

"Don't mess this up, I actually want to somewhat good grades here," Elizabeth hissed as she stood up suddenly and walked over to the supply closet.

And this was when Sirius took his moment to strike.

He grabbed some supplies from the shelves beside him and mixed them together to make a concoction that would stain anything it touched, despite his constant lack of attention during his lessons, he did know a thing or two.When the blonde got back to her seat, all he had to do was wait for the right time.

"Stop staring at me, you creep," she insulted as he smiled so sarcastically it was sickening.
"Sorry, just wondering if you would look even a bit nice if you changed your entire appearance, or would the bitchy attitude just shine through? How about we try it?" He suggested.

"What are you on about-" by the time the girl could say those words, a bright red liquid had been tipped on her head, almost instantly coating all her hair and turning it from its light platinum to a deep crimson. "Black you are a complete and utter idiot! Or can you not hear me over your own narcissistic thoughts up there?" Elizabeth screamed as she reached for her wand in her pocket, but found it completely empty.

"Looking for this?" Sirius jeered as he flicked it around in his hand.She could only try and steal her wand back from him, but the centimetres of height he had on her made a big difference. "I guess you'll have to clean the rest of that up the muggle way. Not that you'd know how to do it."

That was it for Elizabeth. She had reached her boiling point at that moment. "Oh, so you want me to do it the muggle way? Well, I don't know exactly but from what my friends have told me, I think it's a little like this," she gave a slight laugh at the end of her sentence before slapping the boy as hard as she could, him stubbling back a bit with his hand on his red cheek.

The Slytherin grabbed her wand and cleaned up the liquid so nothing else got stained, but she couldn't undo the damage already done.

The pair now realised the whole class had been watching them up until that point. "Miss Farley, Mr Black, detention for a whole week, for using supplies without permission and violence. " Professor Slughorn ordered as the two could only glare at each other.

"It's so stupid! I have a detention with that- that blood traitor for something he did!" The girl shouted as her Gryffindor friend gave a hurt look, instantly regretting what she said. Shit I sound like my parents.

"Wow, yeah Elizabeth. Because he's the only blood traitor you know, not like you're literally talking to one right now. " Emilia glared, the guilt in Elizabeth becoming more heavy.

"I'm really sorry Emi, I just got a bit angry and I really didn't mean to," Elizabeth whispered as her friend gave a smile

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"I'm really sorry Emi, I just got a bit angry and I really didn't mean to," Elizabeth whispered as her friend gave a smile.

"It's not the first time something like this has happened, I'm fine."

"But it's not! It happens all the time, you should at least be able to do something back! Merlin I'm such a shit friend, I'm so sorry."

"But how do you keep on calling him a blood traitor, you're one too, being friends with me and Summer," Emilia commented.

"Not if no one finds out. I've convinced everyone back home that I'm just doing it for the 'Dark Lord'" Elizabeth replied with her excellent lying abilites.

"I swear, you always answer like you're giving a prophecy. Who am I, Dumbledore?" Emilia joked as the two carried on going to transfiguration.

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