⚡🌹A Teenage Romance 🌹⚡

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Y/n and Mel walked around Prometheus Academy as Hercules, Icarus and Cassandra trailed after them but mainly Hercules was an protective older brother and Icarus and Cassandra being concerned friends for the first few months Y/n and Melancton have been spending time together.

Y/n- "Then Queen Hippolyta told me that she was sending, Princess Tempest and I to main land. I was training in Themisycria for a year to be a fierce Amazonian warrior thanks to my Mater Hera along with my forever maiden goddess cousins." She said honestly as Mel laughed softly holding the young heroine in training arm in his own.

Mel- "Fierce warrior, kind, smart, shy, and goddess like beauty. You are going to be a fine heroine one day and hopefully I'll be there to see you become one, Gorgeous." He said charmingly and gave Y/n a sly smile making her blush bright red as they took their lunch break where they had met.

Mel and Y/n had a lunch date together along with spending the rest of school together until Hercules along with Icarus and Cassandra pulled Y/n away from Mel once the gong rang to head home but not before Mel kissed her on the cheek.

Y/n- "I'll see you tomorrow, Mel." She waved blushing with a lovestruck smile on her face as she rode Pega back to Phil's island where she and Hercules lived until they would complete their hero and heroine training. "Herc, care to explain why you are being overly protective of me as of late?" She asked once they both landed onto the island.

Hercules- "I just don't think Melancton is a good guy for you, N/n. When your around him, you act like cupid shot you in the butt with ten love arrows." He said honestly while they got off of their horses. Y/n crossed her arms under her chest as she glared at Hercules. "What?" He asked honestly before Y/n pinched his cheek harshly.

Y/n- "Just because you are my twin and big brother doesn't mean you can control my feelings and love life, Herc. And your one to talk remember Helen of Troy, my best friend Princess Tempest of the Amazons and your one time marble statue girlfriend." She said honestly before walking away from Hercules as Phil walked over towards the twins.

Phil- "Looks like N/n in love, Herc. Something that can make a hero stronger or weaker on the outcome. Just let your sister sort this out on her own." He said as Y/n walked towards the cliffside thinking about Mel even Prince Adonis whom both fought for her attention yet Mel always won it in the end of the day.

Y/n picked a wild rose from a bush as she sniffed it lightly while the Muses watched the heroine in training.

Y/n- "Maybe Hercules is right but it's not like I'm in love with Mel, it's just a crush if anything." She said while looking at the ocean.

⚡Hercules and Y/n from Zeros to Heroes⚡Where stories live. Discover now