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Quietly Snow tipped-toed down the steps and towards the long corridor, where partings of past kings and queens lined the pale walls. It was late, nearly midnight but Snow couldn't help herself as she neared her fathers quoters. She loved to plays tricks on her father as he loved to do the same with her, but her stepmother frowned upon it, believing it was in-appropert for a princess to run, joke or do anything that resembled the word fun.

Snow didnt really like her step-mother she always felt thats she hiding something but never sure what, or how bad.

Snow frozen when voices reached her ear. They where coming from the kings quoter or as she called him father. As quietly as she could she snuck over to the door and placed her ear on it so she could hear the soft whispered voices.

"With the king gone who is there to stop me" Her voice was harsh whisper, belong to the queen, Snows horrid step-mother.

What did she mean gone. Snow thought.

"What about the girl your majesty?" A man's deep voice asked. the queen, Lina tuned and smiled wickedly down at the man her blonde hair swiping over her shoulders.

"Kill her"


Snow ran as fast as she could deeper into the frost, memories of her fathers body flashed into mind. Snow blinked away the tears. she would not shed a tear, she would not show weakness. She will be brave, she will fight and she will get revenge.

Thats is a promises.

Deadly SnowWhere stories live. Discover now