The funeral

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I actually felt so mean editing the pic and writing the story R.I.P Simba

Kion woke the next morning. He was just about to wake Simba. Then he remembered that he was dead. "Kion?" A familler voice said. "Mom?" "The funeral is today." Tears suddenly filled Kions eyes. Nala walked over and put her paw around him. "Its alright. He's with your Grandfather now." "I know. But I just wish we could have saved him." He said with tears. "I know sweetie. I know." Kion pulled away from her after a minute. "Im gonna go to the Guard." Kion said sadly as he walked out with his ears flat.
"Hey, Kion. How are you feeling?" Fuli asked. Kion sighed and clenched his eyes shut to stop the tears. "The funeral's today." He said his voice breaking. "I just cant believe.......he's gone." Bunga walked over and quickly hugged Kion. "Your Mom told me about today. Im so sorry, buddy." Kion was crying hard. "This is my fault Kion. If I just pushed myself harder......he would still be alive." "This is not our fault. Its Scar's. He got what he wanted." "Kion?!" Kiara said. Kion could tell she was crying too. Kion ran towards her voice. With Fuli and Bunga not far behind. On their way they met Beshte and Ono. "Kion!" "Kiara!" They ran towards each other and hugged each other. "We're, we're burying Daddy." Kiara said. "I know. I cant believe it." Kion said as he cried hugging his sister. The Guard didnt want to make it worse for them but they started crying too. "Kion? Kiara?" Nala called from Pride Rock. The two of them walked to Pride Rock leaning against each other for comfort. "Zazu's already told the herds to come here. They're on the way." Kion clenched his eyes shut while Kiara was bawling next to him. "Come here my babies." Nala said and the two of them cried into her fur. Shortly the animals arrived. "Animals of the Pride Lands." Nala said trying her very best to hold back her tears while her cubs next to her were crying their eyes out. "I regret to imform you..." she said her voice breaking and tears streaming down her cheeks. "That the King....has passed." She said and burst into tears. The herds gasped and some cried. "In a few minutes we will all gather behind Pride Rock to say goodbye." After the herds started to leave to gather flowers, Kion sprinted back into the den. Kiara and Nala followed him. "Kion?" Nala said through tears. "I wanna give Dad one last hug." Kion said his face covered with tears. Kiara ran over and hugged Simba's body as well. Nala couldnt hold back, she nuzzled her mate one last time. "We love you, Daddy." Kiara whimpered. "Nala sighed with a shaky breath. "Its time." "Mom, no. Just a few more minutes! Please!" Kion begged. "Im sorry Kion." She said the sadness clear in her voice. "But its time. We cant wait any longer." Kion and Kiara whimpered as Simba was brought behind Pride Rock. The herds let the Queen and her cubs hug her mate and their father one last time before paying their respects by putting flowers over his body. After everyone did, something told Kion to look up at the sky. He saw Mufasa and Simba looking down on him with comforting smiles. Kion forced a smile back at them but it quickly faded after a second. "We know its been a rough day for you Kion. But its time for patrol." Fuli said. "I dont want to, not right now." "Kion-" Fuli started but was cut off by Nala. "He's not coming today. You'll have to proceed without him." "But what about Scar?" Fuli asked Nala. "Ill be on stand-by, if you need my help. But for now, all I wanna do is stay home." Kion said his voice breaking. Fuli sighed. "Alright. Bye." Kion walked past Simba's grave and went to a hill. "I miss you so much Dad." He said to himself. He looked out in the distance and saw the Guard fighting the Outlanders. "Maybe I should go help them out." He said. "Dad?" Simba appeared. "Im here, son." "Dad I, I dont know what to do. I feel like I should help the Guard but, I just cant. Right now.....I feel like I cant do anything." Simba looked down at his son and said, "I know Kion. But it will be alright soon. I promise." "Thanks Dad. Love you." "Love you too. Now go on, the Guard needs your help." He said giving him a reassuring smile. Kion smiled at him then off he went. "Huh? Who's that?" Ono asked himself. He gasped. "Everyone! Everyone! Kions coming!" "Kion!" Fuli said and ran to him. "Are we glad to see you." "Oh Kion. How's your Dad? Is he dead?" Janja asked with an evil grin. Kion whimpered in sadness. "Dont listen to him Kion!" Beshte said. "He's just trying to put you off!" Fuli said. He then heard Simba and Mufasa's voices. "Stay strong Kion." Simba said. "We're here for you." Mufasa said. Kion got up and was ready to fight. "Oh you're gonna get it now!" Bunga said. "Beshte, crocs. Bunga, jackles. Fuli, with Bunga. Ono you're with me." The Guard split and attacked. "Goodbye Reirei!" Bunga said and yeeted her. Beshte hit the crocs with his snout. Kion tackled Janja, Ono swooped in and head-butted Cheezi. The Outlanders all ran to each other. "Everyone get behind me." The Guard obeyed. Kion roared sending them back to the Outlands. After, he sat there and looked at the ground his ears flat. "Whoa. What Janja said really got to you, huh?" Kion was about to answer but Fuli answered for him. "Of course it did Bunga! He just lost someone he deeply cares about!" "Im also afraid. I mean anyone of us could be next. Mom, Kiara, me, you guys." After seeing him take out my Dad, its after putting me on edge. And he could easily take out any of us. We need to be on Guard at all times and try not to make ourselves easy targets." "What are you suggesting?" Fuli asked. "I dont know. But Im really on edge." "And I honestly dont blame you Kion." Fuli said. "If it wasnt for me, Dad would still be alive." "Dont say that Kion! Its not your fault! Its Scar's." Bunga said. "But if it wasnt for me, Scar wouldnt be back! Its my fault my Dad is gone! Its my fault!" "Kion, it will never be your fault." Fuli reassured. "Its not like you planned know." Bunga said he was really going to say 'kill him' but he knew to change his mind. "I wish I was never born!" Kion shouted and ran off crying. The Guard gasped. "He, he whishes he was dead?" Bunga said as tears filled his eyes. "Maybe Rafiki might be able to help." Beshte suggested. "Yeah....maybe." Fuli said looking out to where Kion ran off. "Ono, have a look and see where Kion is headed." "Affirmative. Oh, no." "Ono? What is it?" Fuli said seriousness and concern in her voice. "He's at Simba's grave crying his eyes out. Nala has just come over. Nala's crying too." "Ok. Well at least we know where he is." So the Guard went to Rafiki and told him what happened. "So, Kion is blaming himself for Simba's death?" Fuli nodded. Rafiki sighed. "Im afraid there is nothing I can do. But you all might be able to." "How?" Fuli asked. "Try taking his mind off it. I doubt it will work, but try it."

"Hey, Kion." Bunga said. "Guys? What are you doing here?" Kion said through tears. "We know nothing can describe the pain your feeling. But we wanted to help." "Really, Im ok. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Kion said walking towards Pride Rock still crying. "Ono. Fly over to Pride Rock and tell us what happens." "But Fuli that would be eavesdropping! And eavesdropping is wrong!" "I know Ono. I dont want to have to do it either. But Im really worried about him. We all are, right?" Fuli said looking back at the group. They nodded. "Im worried too. I'll be back soon." Ono said and flew to Pride Rock snd hid behind a rock.

Kion walked up to Pride Rock Nala walked over and nuzzled him. "Mom! I, I cant! I cant cope anymore!" "Shhhh. I know baby, I know." "I just keep thinking this is a nightmare that I'll wake up from and everything will be ok! But its not! Dad is really gone!" Kion cried hysterically and shaking in Nala's paws. "I know, I know." Nala said hugging him tightly. "If you want you can stay home for a while. I wont force you out with the Guard." "Thanks, Mom." Kion said hugging her tightly.

She picked him up by his scruff and brought him in the den

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She picked him up by his scruff and brought him in the den. Kiara walked over to them and nuzzled them. They layed down on either side of Nala and nuzzled her.

Tears formed in Ono's eyes. He too was devastated. But he couldnt believe that he saw his fierce leader break down like that. He flew back to the group. "Ono. How is he?" Fuli asked. "Bad. He cant cope anymore." He, he said that?" Bunga asked. Ono nodded. "Nala said if he wanted he could stay home for a while. She wont be forcing him to come lead us." Fuli sighed sadly. "Looks like I'll be leading the Guard for a while. I think we should all go home and rest. See you guys tomorrow." "Bye Fuli."

"Remember your morning lesson and Bunga kicked the Baobab fruit and it hit Dad?" "Yeah I remember." The two cubs said with tears. "M-Mom? Can I stay here tomorrow?" Nala nodded with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Thanks." "Come on, its late. We better get some sleep." Nala said. Nala put her paws on their backs to make them feel somewhat safer. But Kion couldnt sleep.

What if the Guard failed to save Simba in time? the scorpions sting(not UpdatingWhere stories live. Discover now