Then a gasp left my mouth as I saw a inhumane version of my father smiling at me, but the thing on top of me wasn't my father because he was gone, the thing that was supposed to be my father looked like one of the dead, skin rotting, skin turning a sickly dark green, black veins popped through he's neck all the way to he's eyes, and he's eyes where a shade of lifeless white. I screamed again "get off of me!," I tried to get up but the thing held me down with ease laughing, it's laugh didn't sound like a laugh though he sounded like he was choking on something, 

A tear rolled down my face as I saw it laughing "y-y-you," it started but it couldn't get the word out because it kept snarling and choking as it tried to talk, "k-k-k-killed us," it told me saying the last word perfectly clear making me cry and scream again which made it laugh again, and before it could say anything else it coughed it what looked like a piece of flesh making me vomit, it was my mother's.

And if my vomiting summoned her, I heard someone humming a specific tune that only me and Dad knew, I filled as I was now going to see what was supposed to be my mother, another year rolled down my face "ashy bear, why did you kill us," it sang out to me, I woke up instantly screaming and sitting up, I saw Willow looking frantic at my side shaking me to wake up, I looked around also frantic checking to see if they where here, "Ash!, Ash are you okay?," She asked me looking me up and down,  and before I knew it another set of tears flowed down my face I knew what happened, the guilt of me not saving my parents was coming for me o let out a shaky breath as I remembered both of them dying.

I shaked my head answering willows question to tired to talk, she nodded "well you were screaming, I think you might've invited some friends," she said looking over to the door like she was expecting something to come in and kill us, Ash nodded getting up Willow following him "look you don't have to, I can check it," she volunteered but I shaked my head, "g-go back to sleep," my voice came out as shaky and dry, I coughed feeling my throat burn like I hadn't had any water for years.

I put it aside for later, right now I had to check if any zombies where going to kill us, she nodded slowly eyeing me but she didn't object because she walked to her mattress sitting Cross legged, watching me. I then made my way to my army knife grabbing it leaving my gun not wanting to call more, I then walked to Willow "use this if any comes pass me," I handed her, her own gun hoping she won't need to use it. I walked out the door closing it behind me making sure it was shut, I then looked out seeing nothing but darkness, as I looked at the sky I saw that it was about morning because the dark skies where turning a dark shade of blue, I then walked off the porch onto the yard.

I then spotted a zombie at the back gate trying to get in cursing to myself if there's one here then there's gonna be more I quietly ran to it stabbing it in its head not giving it anytime to see me, it fell to the ground with a thump I wiped my knife on its tattered clothes, I then walked back to the front seeing to more going to the porch, again I quietly ran to them tripping one as I stabbed its head, then the other turned spotting me killing it's friend it let out a snarl as it tried to grab me luckily I was faster than it,

I moved to the side pulling it's arm and to my dismay I pulled it out of its socket gagging in disgust I threw it away, seeing that the owner of the arm was getting angry it jumped at me I then moved to the other side letting it fall to the ground, I stabbed it behind its head making it stop squirming, I looked out the porch to see about six more walking here, I sighed.

As I made my way to killing all six another set of four came making me whine to myself, and without hesitation I killed them looking for anymore that may have been walking here, seeing none I let out a sigh of relief as I threw myself down to the grass wiping the blood from my face and my knife of the wet grass, I then got back up counting the dead bodied, "12," I said confusingly so I recounted making sure to count the body at the fence, it still was twelve.

Then counting my thirteen I heard a gunshot from inside, I turned to the house to see another gunshot lighting up the living room "fuck," I said dashing inside the door, and as I ran in I saw the thirteen zombie dead in the floor, then the cocking of a handgun was made "it's me," I threw my hands in the air, Willow then drop to the floor gun following in suite she let out a sigh, "holy shit," she said as she looked at me "your all bloody," she then picked her gun back up then pointed it at me, making me raise my hands again "what the fuck it's me," I yelled at her thinking maybe she didn't know it was me,

"Your bloody," she restated as she didn't move the gun away from me, "yeah and you want me to call you a boy name," I shot back rolling my eyes, she scoffed as she rolled her eyes "you might be bitten," she said getting up, "I'm not, I think," I said making her raise her gun again. "Okay, wait!," I yelled as I pulled of my shirt "see no bite marks or scratches," I said still hands in the air, she gasped as I pulled of my shirt then she returned to her serious demeanor and walked around in circles around me,

Making me feel uncomfortable "hands," she said pointing the gun at my hands I showed her my hands, she nodded and put the gun in her waist band. A sigh of relief left my lips as I put my shirt back on, "okay, first things first," I started grabbing my gun and placing it in the holster with my knife and grabbing my bag, "we need to get as far away from here like NOW," I said putting any food in my bag, Willow shot up remembering that zombies might be on there way for a two human course meal, she grabbed her bag and put food in it, grabbing other stuff we might need too,

As we finished packing our stuff we headed out the door quickly knowing that we needed to get away fast, and as if they where called zombies from every corner where making there way to us "holy shit, Ash what do we do?," Willow asked fear evident in her eyes as she scanned the mass of zombies coming towards them, I looked around the lot seeing nothing useful until I spotted the garage, "garage, now," I said running to the garage, Willow confusingly raised an eyebrow but ran with him not wanting to die young, as I broke the window of the door Willow shushed me and tried to door to see if it was unlocked, and it opened she gave me a look and I rolled my eyes as I flushed it open, "yes thank God," I said as I saw Elisabeth's family rav-4 in the garage and then that's when I thanked Elisabeth for trying to teach me how to drive because now I needed to use my 'skills' and get me and Willow out of this hell hole, Willow looked at me "a car," she said shaking her head. I nodded as I tried the door hearing the sound of it opening I smiled as I got in Willow followed after in the passenger seat,

I tried the engine which gave out a wet cough I cursed "fuck, c'mon girl," I started it again with another engine splitter I cussed and hit the steering wheel, "Ash we don't have all day," Willow said impatiently as she eyes the door, "I know, I fucking know," I burst out cursing again, and as I scanned the car I saw what was the problem it's empty, I chuckled like a maniac as I popped the gas cap and dashed out of the car earning Willow yelling at me "Ash, for fucks sake, what the hell-," but before she could finish her throw of cuss words I stopped her,

"She's empty, just shut up," i told her looking for the gas canister, luckily I found it I checked to see if it had gas I then ran to the gas cap and poured the gas in,


Hey hey hey, I know this was long I think but it was longer than my others and I'm sorry about that, it's just this one really got me worked up I kept writing it, any ways hoped you love this,

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