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It was their second day back at school and it was hell for Millie. Everyone stared more than usual and she was called a slut even more. People said that she was paying Finn to fuck her but she could never do that. It was Jacob that did.... Her first few classes were fine but in history that when the devil showed up. She didn't have that class with Finn so her vulnerability was higher. More notes were passed to her and she just couldn't take the hate. She didn't do anything to them and they just hate her for her. Tears brimmed her eyes but no one noticed because they were to busy spreading more rumors about the poor girl. Hate was an understatement of what she was getting. She was just back to where she started a broken girl with hate always knocking at her door , and her answering it. Finn didn't know because she put a mask of fake happiness. She didn't want him to suffer for her.
"Well well you don't listen well slut" Iris said walking over to Millie's desk. Mrs. Ortiz was hanging out with Mrs. Ryder. Iris always attacked behind people's back so she could still be innocent. Millie's head slowly rose and was greeted with black slits.
"I told you to stay away from my man but do you listen no. You think you can do whatever the hell you want but you can't because your a bitch. Finn hates you just like everyone else. You are a waste of space and a fucker. Jacob was right , you are a pussy" Iris yelled into her face. Her eyes were dying to let the tears fall out but she couldn't be weak.
"I never f-fucked anyone" Millie stuttered for the first time in 2 months. Iris smirked.
"Jacob told me that he saw you and Finn making out Sunday night " She whispered devilishly. Millie shivered recalling that nights events.
"But that's not fucking" Millie said standing up straight. Iris was taken back by her sudden strength but tried not to let it show.
"You are such a slut no wonder Jacob broke up with you" Iris said trying to weaken her with hate. Millie couldn't stand it anymore.
"Then how come you fucked my boyfriend while we were dating" Millie said getting close to her face with a smirk.
"And how come my current boyfriend yelled in your face telling you he wasn't interested in sluts" Millie added, her fist clenching.
"He didn't want you to feel bad" Iris said . (That's to all the other shippers that said Finn doesn't want to make Millie feel bad so he says it , wronnggggg he loves her)
"That's where your wrong again he wanted to make you stay away from him" Millie said. Iris smiles looking up at the ceiling sighing happily for some reason.
"That's your fairytales talking—" She was cut off with a hand connecting to her cheek. It stung like hell , like how Millie felt for 3 years. Iris's hand quickly went up to her cheek to examine it. She then looked at millie with pure fear and hatred.
"Fuck you" Millie said grabbing her binder and walking through the rows of desks. She swayed her hips , making sure to flip off the shocked girl. After she exited the room , the tears fell as she dashed to her locker. Frantically trying to do the lock. Millie didn't want anyone to see her skip school , meaning Finn. He would follow her and try to help her when all she wanted was to be alone.Throwing her backpack over her shoulders , Millie ran out of school.She could finally breath. Feel free without being suffocated by the hurt that came from Hawkins High. Millie couldn't go home, Kelly would send her back to school. She couldn't go to Finn's or Sadie's because she would be questioned by their parents. The only place she could go to was a place only two people knew....


She tore through the thorns and branches , not caring about the scratches she was receiving. The wind blew violently , making Millie lose her balance. She fell onto a sharp rock that left a medium gash on her knee. She pulled through the pain and as her tears met the blood. She limped towards the opening hoping to see a bright sun with a kind smile. But as she pulled through the bushes that was only a fantasy. The sun was hidden by the dark , and overcrowding clouds. They stared down at her with evil smiles almost. It was her imagination . She through her bag over to the opposite side of her as she met the edge.
"Why can't you take me too" She yelled into the sky. She sobbed , bending over with wishing she could be up there too. But it didn't happen.
"Take me too , I don't want to be here with people who treat me like nothing , like I'm nothing" She yelled the last part quietly.
"If you don't take me , then I will take myself , let everyone be free instead of worrying about me just promise me let Finn move on from me" She cried in pain and sadness.
"Please" She pleaded , she hung her arms out and leaned forward overlooking what laid under the edge. She took a deep breath and .....

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