Mending our love 2

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Out of request for Thuthuy12042001 I am making a second part of this story, so lets start.

Yellow smiled as she worked it was 9 p.m. and the office was almost empty, ever sense Blue came out pregnant the company started to close early by Yellows orders sense she didn't want to leave Blue home alone any longer then a few hours but even then the taller women still went home for lunch and during brake time as well." Closing time."  She said softly to herself as she looked at the pictures on her desk, The first one was of their first date together as an official couple that day ended and started with big smiles for them both, They had gone to a place call Hidden in the rock it was a bakery and cafe with an outside deck for who ever wanted to enjoy the outside and beautiful sunny days.

That afternoon they both had their date enjoying their favorite pastrys and coffee well Yellow enjoyed an american coffee with french vanilla creamer and extra honey instead of sugar while Blue on the other hand enjoyed a fruit smoothie called a 'pick me up' which had raspberry, green apple, and banana in it, Yellow would never forget how Blue drank at least five of them she was head over heels for the drink and the berry tarts they had at the bakery something she really craved now that their was a baby inside her belly. Yellow remembered how they walked back to the school campus and before going their separate way they shared a loving kiss they would never forget and they where always together after that and after collage.

The next picture was of the day Yellow down on one knee, Blue had tears in her eyes that day iut was the day Yellow asked Blue to be her wife. That day had marked their five year anniversary and a few years later they opened the business before they hit their 30ths . Yellow would never forget the look on Blue face when she proposed a look of surprise and joy, that day had been one of the worst day they ever had bad was an understatement for what had happened to them that day. 

First they both where late for work due to their phone chargers being disconnected from the wall so they missed their alarms, then their car had two flats so they took the bus which was late,  then the worst part one of the other females colleagues decided to try and flirt with Yellow and even grabbed the tall women's arm while she was holding hands with Blue in the middle of their talk about what they would do after work, this resulted in a bad fight between the two women in which Blue won but also resulted in Blue getting a broken foot when the women dropped a desk in her foot but she broke the women's face for touching what was hers.

 After that Yellow had gone out to pick up the engagement ring but the store lost it which really pissed Yellow off nothing was going right today. Yellow instead bought a blue, yellow, and green diamond, she made a her own ring for Blue and it was her best work yet but she when she was done she realized that she was suppose to pick up Blue 3 hours ago then the car broke down this was just great.

"You have to be kidding me!!!" Yellow ran to the hospital which was 5 miles away. She arrived to a very upset Blue outside the hospital.

"WERE WHERE YOU!!!" Blue was pissed her foot in a cast and a set of crutches under her arms. Oh today was just not the day for them and it would be a dame helpful if it would stop.

"Hold on love let me explain." Yellow was sweating like she ran 20k run with out stopping." Sorry love the car broke down so I ran here to pick you up I wasn't going to leave you here by yourself." Yellow spoke with a smile as she kissed Blue's head softly careful not to cause her more pain." You know when you beat the hell out of Mandy that was pretty sexy." She pulled Blue close purring in her ear and kissing her neck.

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