Arc 7. 16 : Tyrant

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The fine army that suddenly appeared, was shocked, and the voice of the Yanzi camp suddenly weakened.

The royal army commander Fang Rui slowly stepped forward and asked: "Who is the city? Why do you want to rebel against the army?"

Yan Yan was shocked by the new look presented by the Yulin Army. He fixed his mind. This sounds back to: "I am a big Yan Sanhuangzi Yan Yan, this time came to help the emperor, catching the anti-thief Yan Yan! ”

Upon listening to Yan Yan, Fang Rui immediately raised his head and laughed: "The big prince is an anti-thief? This person who claims to be the three princes, you can take a good look. The great prince is diligent and dedicated to the people, but now he is personally Going to Xiangzhou to control the water, and you are ignoring the lives of the people in the capital of Beijing, privately building the army to do this night attack, in the end who is the anti-thief?"

Yan Yan was sharply blushed by Fang Rui’s unwelcome words. He waved his face with a sullen face and said to the people around him: “Read the sacred decree! Let this group of priests who are used by the anti-thief know that the palace is the father’s imperial Prince!"

"Three emperors Yan Yan, the quality of the rushing, Ren is the heavy responsibility ... choose it as the Prince, hope that his benevolence and love the people, to protect me, Yan Yan Jiangshan forever."

Fang Rui and others have been listening to this lengthy sacred content, and this is what they see behind them: "Just, Chen Gonggong, you don't have a sacred purpose to declare?"

Chen Bing, who had been waiting for a long time, finally came forward and pulled away the sharp voice: "Fengtian carrier, the emperor 诏曰: the three emperors Yan Yan murdered his elder brother, bullied his majesty, infidelity and filial piety, and party smuggling , intended to rebel, heartache! Withdraw the title of the emperor and break into the dungeon!"

Received the sacred purpose, Chen Bing looked at the three emperors sneer: "Three emperors still do not confess guilty?"

After listening to this sacred decree, Yan Yan is not angry and laughs: "This anti-thief is really bold, even dare to forge the imperial edict, it is even more sinful! You should not be blinded by the soldiers, to the palace to start the siege!"

This sacred decree said that he had maimed his brother and bullied him. Yan Yan was really shocked and jumped for a moment, but then he was really happy. If Yan Yan was a fake sacred decree, it would be a big sin.

The Yan Yan people and Hu Hu and this attacked the city gate, but some people inadvertently looked up and jumped and immediately stopped.

They saw a bright yellow figure, and they were slowly appearing on the wall. At the same time, Su Gonggong's sharp voice broke through the night sky and instantly shocked the local army where Yan Yan was assembled.

"The emperor is driving!"

As soon as he heard that Su Gonggong was old but familiar with the unusual sound, Yan Yan was shocked and almost fell from the immediately. When he widened his eyes and looked at the city wall for a moment, he saw the white-haired old emperor, looking at him with a gloomy look and anger.

The soldiers who attacked the city saw the figure of Emperor Hongming, and the momentum that had just risen was like a broken balloon.

The Emperor Hongming stood in the night wind and watched the son who had deceived himself for many years. He and his mother completely destroyed the most precious things in the mind of Hong Ming, and let him The nephew did not want to meet him until now.

The majestic voice of the emperor sounded on the wall, and it suppressed all the riots: "The third child, you are still alive, what do you want to do with the army?"

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