"No, I'm not," I lie and snap my head way from them. The table beside us is full of chattering men who have no idea what these two are doing to me.

L hums, rests his hand dangerously close to my breasts before slowly pulling away.

"Is someone sitting here?" Kimori asks me. He's dressed in a suit and bow tie as if this is the most high formal event of his life. It's endearing. So much so that I want to snatch his tie off and undo a few of his buttons. Like the ones on his pants.

"Yeah," Romero answers.

"No they aren't," I roll my eyes. Von and his new girlfriend are headed this way and I'd rather sit next to Kimori than Rosemary. "Please sit."

"Uhh..." Kimori debates for a bit before following L's gesture to hurry up and sit down.

The couple joins our table like it's just the best in the house and I look anywhere else but at them. Von could be wearing a penguin suit and I wouldn't know.

The dinner begins and I catch the attention of several of the bullets as they walk by. If Kimori looked, he didn't make it obvious like a lot of the other men do. I even think I catch Von staring, but he turns around before I can make sure of anything. My eyes linger on the black sweater he wears as opposes to a dress shirt. L is still struggling with my appearance, sneaking glances whenever he can as he digs into roasted duck and citrus salad.

Diana and another bullet join our table before she clinks a spoon against her champagne glass. "The bullets need to compete extra hard this year to impress me. Prove to me you're more than what I thought you were. I need to add another member into the Syndicate and you are the first place I'm looking." She announces.

Kimori shakes beside me and I'm concerned until I realize he's doing a victory dance. Smile on his face, his two front teeth protruding further than the rest in an adorable way, as he tries to keep himself together.

"I hope you get in," I whisper to him. And it's true because the one thing our gang needs right now, when everyone's in and out of ripping each other's heads off, is a positive ray of sunshine like Kimori.

"Really?" He turns towards me, pupils shaking but otherwise never falling from mine. "That means so much coming from you. Please tell Diana."

I scoff at him before taking a sip from my sparkling cider. "Sorry but she doesn't care about what I think."

"Yes she does, you're a Syndicate member. She cares about what you think, she cares about you. You wouldn't be a member if she didn't." Kimori actually loses his smile for a second. "At the very least you care immensely about Von and that has to be important to her."

I want to disagree, to prove him wrong or something. Then I remember how quickly Seven got into the gang and it makes perfect sense considering his love at first sight.

Diana opens the floor for questions and first a bullet's gets answered then she moves on to Von.

"How many more members are you planning on adding? We don't need immature kids turning our gang into a kindergarten class." His eyes land on Kimori but I hope he didn't notice. I don't want anyone to dim his shine especially not Von with this spontaneous grudge he has against him.

Kimori continues cutting his steak into little bite sized pieces and humming quietly, acting like he's not over Diana's announcement enough to notice anything else.

"The last member I added was Mia, per your irresponsibility, and it actually turned out well. She's an unexpected force who gets stronger when things get hard instead of quivering in fear or getting soft." Diana says.

Bend and Break(poly)(bxb)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz