Everyone turned their eyes towards Mothku. This made her slightly uncomfortable, but she would be fine. This idea they had seemed bad, but as long as no one was hurt, and that these people could be trusted enough not to do anything stupid, it was fine. “...Okay, as long as no one gets hurt. Do be careful, though.” Mothku hesitated before she spoke.

“Yes!!” Arc shouted gleefully. He was an extrovert, and this was his way of spending time with Say. Arc got bored easily, so he spent his time with Say running around and being himself. And now he had more People to spend time with!

“Um, I can make cookies if you all want them…” Obsequious offered. Obsequious loved sweets. There is no questioning that. She is Appetite of a People Pleaser, after all.

… Don’t challenge the amount of cookies she can make. Please don’t. Last time someone did she made 314 cookies, and also 12 cakes. She was up till 1:00 in the morning, so don't make her suffer like that again. And no, I do not care that you are a reader and cannot interact with this book, even if you comment on it, she will sense it and start baking. She can’t read the comments in this book but she just knows.

“Cookies?!” the group asked as one. AoaPP simply nodded and the rest of them continued chattering among themselves while eating their pizza. Arc seemed overjoyed to get a slice of pineapple pizza, and seeing him happy drew a small smile on Say’s face. Meanwhile, Novo and Hyper had their toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss sitting out on the table prepared for when they finished eating their pizza. Charon was happily talking to Chris and Norman, and they laughed along as usual. Slurpee was talking to Mothku and Obsequious about the whole plan for the night, and other than that Mothku was keeping to herself while enjoying her own slice of pizza. Dinner quickly finished up, though, and the kiddo’s followed up their plan.

“Come on, guys! Let’s go raid the kitchen before we torture Say! Arc bounced as he pointed towards the kitchen, the bandages almost uncovering his eyes. Arc realized this, and quietly put the bandages back in place. Despite the bandages he could see just fine. When he and Say were younger he tried to use “echolocation” to find his way around. This was basically him screeching at the top of his lungs.

“If I was responsible I would tell you to calm down, but i’m not responsible so LET’S RAID THE HECKING KITCHEN BOIIIII!!!” Kennith screamed and shouted to the people around him.

“Aight” Slurpee agreed.

“I’ll start making cookies. Do you guys prefer no-bake, or like yall want any specific kind of cookie?” Obsequious asked

“Any is good! I wanna do karaoke on the roof!” Kennith squealed.

“Kennith. I will steal your porchlight if you dare disturb my sleeping at any point in time.” Mothku said, in a monotone voice.

“No-bake it is, and i’ll make regular choco chip ones for fun, too!” AoaPP declared, walking towards the kitchen to make the cookies while the others ran. She was making cookies in the same kitchen 6 people were raiding. This could only end with success, success, or failure. Success 1 would be the cookies are made with no problem, success 2 would be they all just end up eating cookie dough, and failure is all the ingredients falling on the floor due to the number of people and therefore no cookies. It was all pretty hectic, and Obsequious ended up being chased by Arc. Though, she had no other choice than to run because Arc was trying to hit her over the head with a frying pan. The raid went on for a few minutes, before they ran upstairs to play minecraft, leaving a messy kitchen, and an already tired Obsequious to clean it.

“Slurpee stop spawning creepers! They’re ruining my base…” Kennith complained to his new friend.

“Awwww, but isn’t it more fun this way? And besides, it’s just a prank, bro.” She whined back, a smirk on her face.

“Hyper, kick her from the world please.” Kennith asked Hyper, in a grumpy voice for some odd reason.

“On it.” Hyper quickly said to the read head.

“Do it you won’t.” Slurpee tried to say more, but started screaming and making weird noises after she got kicked. “what the hecc, why did you do that?!” She started to rant about how she had done nothing wrong, before she realized she could rejoin the minecraft world. Then, someone had typed something in the minecraft chat.

+It’s just a prank bro+

+This chat is gonna turn into WW3+

+You bet it will! (:+

+This chat is a fucking nightmare+

+Don’t jinx it, Greg, this will only end up getting worse.+

+but you knew that already, didn’t you squidward?+

Say heard the screeching from downstairs. She let out a sigh and continued scrolling through ifunny. She knew they would get angry at each other, stop playing, and then they would all end up jumping off of the roof, bringing the cheer back and then eat some cookies. Arc has made friends before, she already knew the routine. Then she spotted Charon crawling into the kitchen, obviously trying to sneak behind AoaPP and scare her. Say, of course, knew that the responsible thing would be to stop him… but who said Say was responsible?




“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! Charon what the heck?!” Obsequious screamed, while the spider was giggling like a maniac. Little did AoaPP know that because she was lecturing Charon, she had let her guard down. This led Say to sneak up behind her and scare her again.

While Say snuck up behind the bake, she made eye contact with Charon. The look in his eyes were basically telling Say to scare Obsequious. Say nodded, and made the most, high pitched, blood curdling squeal in Obsequious’ ear. “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!”

“AAAAA-” Obsequious  was cut off from her reaction by two laughing teenagers rolling on the floor, both having successfully scared her. Eventually, she laughed along with them, and they got to taste the first 2 cookies

『Say, I Could Make A  Perfect World 』Where stories live. Discover now