Chapter 5

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The girl took a seat next to Greg at the table, and started making small talk with him. “How has your day been sir?” Ms Days asked, trying to be polite.

“Well, Stepho tried to get me to join her.” Greg grumbled, making Days smile, and also making her a bit more comfortable.

“Hold up, what happened? Spill the tea my dude!” Kenneth chuckled.

“She yelled Mining away in my ear to wake me up. And you know how loud she can be, like, I get that she can’t control her volume but dang.” He explained.

*Join me on my silent mission, Greggy, or suffer the curse.* Stephanie laughed as she signed.

“And what’s your name, Mr. Circus clown?? Mothku calls me Miss Days, but my first name is Slurpee.”

“I’m sorry?!” Kenneth giggled.

“Did I stutter boi?” Slurpee asked the clown.

“The name’s Kenneth, and will you join me on my mission?” Kenneth asked the floofy haired 7/11 gal.

“And what is this mission you speak of?”

“Aight so me and the Case Two Kiddo’s, which are Kenny boi, Stepho, and Greggy are gonna raid the kitchen at midnight, then we gonna play Minecraft ‘till 4:00 AM. You with us? My name’s Hyper, by the way.” Hyper explained to Slurpee.

“Let’s get this bread.”

“Yo, can I come with? Afterwards we can jump off the roof and force Say to catch us!” Arc jumped into the conversation.

“No no no, no how bout you don't?” Say tried to ask them. Unfortunately, they didn’t listen. Well, it was unfortunate for Say, but hilarious for the people watching the conversation unfold.

“Don’t tell us what to do.” The Case Two Kiddo’s, Hyper, and Slurpee said in unison. They all clearly didn’t care what Say said, and besides, Say won’t let anyone get hurt, right? This all seemed like a not-so-friendly-towards-Say way of becoming better friends, and now they could all talk to Miss Days, otherwise known as Slurpee, and get to know her better! If they were all gonna be living in this mansion together, then they might as well get along.

“I am so done at this point.” Say sighed loudly. “Arc, if you want to drive a friend insane they have to be approved by me. So you can drive Kennith insane, but you haven’t asked about anyone else.” Say reminded her friend. She knew things like this would happen, she knew it was risky for Arc to keep trying to get people to be his friends like this, Say knew that if she weren’t here, people would end up hurt. Say also knew that Arc was a nice person, and he just spends his energy differently than most. This has made it so Arc has never had problems sleeping, so when Arc is asleep, Say knows that he is safe. It was nice knowing that your best friend, the friend you’ve known since you can remember, the friend who y’all would literally die for eachother, the one who only you two understood why eachother acted as they did, would be okay. When Arc is awake is a whole other story, though. It honestly made Say tired, but it was fun. Though she would rather not catch 5 people who are jumping off the roof before they hit the ground. Of course, Say was strong enough to do it, but she’d rather not.

“Okay! Can I drive these people insane?” Arc asked, jumping up and down in his seat excitedly.

“I’m not sure that’s the best idea…” Mothku tried to say.

“Mothku, dear, i’ll be there in case anyone gets hurt. There is no need to worry.” Days reassured her friend.

“Okay, fine, as long as Mothku is okay with this.”

『Say, I Could Make A  Perfect World 』Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz