Diamonds in The Sky

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Timeskip I guess, they are at the Ship ruins.

John, Maureen, Will, The Robot, and The girl, stood a top of a hill surveying the destruction and fires.

There was silence for a moment.

"Death," The girl.

John then saw a sheet of metal with a number 17 on it.

"This was the Jupiter 17," He said.

"Did you know anyone on it?" Will asked nervously fiddling with his jacket.

"No, honey," Maureen said.

"That could have been us," He said in disbelief.

"Well, it wasn't," Maureen said and grabbed ahold of her sons hand and held it tightly.

"Safe," The girl said.

Rolls of safety and coziness fell on all three of the Robinsons.

They didn't smile, but felt at ease, calm.

Everyone decided, without having to be spoken aloud, that they should make some signals for any remaining survivors.

Will, The girl, and the Robot, went off making arrows towards a sign which John was carving into a peice of metal. Maureen was using her communicator to try and call for other Juipters.

"This is Maureen Robinson from the Jupiter 2. We're at the crash site of the Jupiter 17. We've found no survivors. If there are any other search parties in the area, please respond," She said but static was her replie.

"No luck?" John asked.

"No. This is Maureen-" she was cut off when a strange whale like wailing sound was to be heard.

Both Will and the Robot straightened like boards and the girl snapped her head up signing before looking around quickly, confused.

"You heard that before?" Maureen asked Will.

"Yeah. It was coming from the crashed ship," Will said and snuck a glance at The girl and the Robot,"Their crashed ship,"

"It must be somewhere close," Maureen said excited.

"It's a long walk back," John argued but Maureen didn't listen.

"Ask if the girl knows where their ship is,"

Will walked up to the confused girl,"Do you know where your spaceship is?"

The girl hesitantly nodded but didn't point in any direction or have intention of moving.

"Where is it?" Maureen said getting more and more excited.

The girl fidgeted with her hands.

"Might not be safe," the girl sputtered out slowly. (Hey its her first whole sentence celebration time!)

Will's mother frowned slightly.

"Yeah, lets not push our luck," John said.

"But there's much we don't know yet. We need to take this opportunity to find out," Maureen said.

"When you don't know, that's when you go home," he argued,"We're heading back to the Jupiter. Come on,"

Both the girl and Will slowly followed John.

"Will, since when do you not do what I ask?" Maureen said defiantly and Will stopped slowly making his way towards his mom.

"Sorry," he said to his dad.

The girl looked at John wanting to stay and not have to vist her crashsite, but she'd follow Will Robinson to death.

She slowly walked over to Will.

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