Diamonds in the Sky

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Its morning. Or maybe early in the day.

Maureen looked at the Robot and girl in pure fasination. The Robot was currently standing there still, with the girl behind him. She took off her glove and reached her hand towards the Robot but hesitated. The girl, watched the hand fearfully.

"Its okay Mom," Will said, seeing her hesitation.

Maureen looked at Will, then back at the Robot and girl and put her hand right infront of the Robot. The girl looked even more afraid now.

"I knew we weren't alone," She said in awe and the proceeded to put her hand on the Robots metal inspecting him curiously.

"It's-It's synthetic," Maureen said,"It's-It's built, not born,"

She knocked on the metal and a soft growl was to be heard from the girl.

Maureen took her hand back quickly and the looked at the girl. She reached out her hand as if to touch her, but the girl recoiled bearing her teeth, and looking at her hand in fear.

"Why," Maureen said and looked at Will," Why does she hate hands?"

Will shrugged his shoulders.

"I-I don't know. When ever I tried to help her up she'd always shake her head or back away,"

Maureen looked at the girl and the smiled, as if to show she had nothing to fear, but instead the girl hid behind the Robot and started to shake.

"Oh, um mom, she doesn't like it when people smile either, I think she see's it as a sign of aggression. Probably should of mentioned that," Will said and looked away nervously.

Maureen closed her mouth immediately.

"Sorry," Maureen said and the girl peeked her head out from behind the Robot. She then took a couple steps closer so she was right next to him.

She looked at Maureen and Maureen took a step back, shaking her head.

"She, she looked at me, and I felt what she was feeling," Maureen said.

Will smiled, in his mom direction (carefully so the girl didn't see it).

"Y-yeah, it seems like she can do that," Will said still smiling.

Maureen smiled too (again away from the girl)


"Does this mean we're in the History books for discovering the first contact with a extra terrestrial lifeform," Penny asked then looked at the Robot," with company,"

"We?" Will asked and then shook his head smiling,"You only get to be famous for being related to me,"

Maureen looked at the Robot and the girl.

"What are your names? Do you know where we are?" She asked.

The girl looked confused and the Robot stayed silent.

"There not from here," Will answered.

Everyone then looked at Will

"How do you know?" John asked.

"I saw there spaceship,"

"You did?" Maureen said suprised.

Will nodded

"I think he crashed when we did,"

John walked towards the Robot.

"How many more of you are there?" He asked sceptical.

The Robot remained silent and the girl took one look at the mans eyes and shrank back.

"I think he's all alone," Will answered again,"Or else he wouldn't have needed me to help him,"

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