"Why ", I looked up at him confusingly.

"Because when the girls come you'll be too busy with them to pay me any attention to me", he whined.

"Of course you want to cuddle", I cooed and pulled his cheeks much to his likeness.

"Stop.. can we cuddle now", he grumbled already pulling me to the bed.

I laughed and shook my head at his childness. If only people saw this Xavier they'll be very surprised to see the very serious and scary Xavier Knight is actually a baby with me.

"Hold on let me put this last thing inside the box and come", I said moving to the door.

"But why... just do it when we go down", and he whined again.

Gosh this boy who's stuck in a 19 year old.

"Gosh you big baby I'm coming", I told getting on to the bed with a big smile on my face.

"What. I just want to spend time with you", he grumbled and lifted the covers up for me to get in.

As soon as I lied down he placed his head on my chest and started wrapped his hand around my waist.

"Just an hour Xavi, and we have to start to move our stuff to our home", I told him before setting an alarm for an hour to wake us up.

"Exactly why I need this cuddle therapy session with you", he said seriously.

I laughed so hard at what he said that my eyes started tearing up.

"Gosh you can be very cheesy at times", I kissed his forehead.

"Only for you Chiquita", Xavi kissed my neck and went back to his previous position.

At the new apartment.....

Our parents came yesterday and checked the apartment which is why they decided they are going to let us do the unpacking, you know the whole deal but it's fun when the guys have been literally trying to decide where to put certain stuff. Gosh I have no idea how they'll function a day without us.

"Daliah, dinner on me", Lindsay told coming into the kitchen with some pizza boxes that I wasn't aware she already ordered them.

"Oh! you already got dinner", I said surprised when I saw the big boxes she placed on the island.

"Yep and I didn't tell you because I knew you would've said no, which is why I told you after I got it", she came and hugged me in which I returned.

"Angel", Xavi said from behind me.

I jumped startled when he called me.

"Hey Xavi, couldn't figure out anything yet", I asked and Lindsay went out of the kitchen given us some privacy.

"We placed everything where you wanted most of the stuff but I can't figure out how to arrange my side of the closet and I came because the guys have been very useless", he muttered and wrapped his hands around my waist nuzzling into my neck.

"okay let's go and see what's all this fuss about okay and I'm done with the kitchen", I stepped back and took Xavi's hand in my hand and went to our room.

"See I figured how to put my underwear and my trousers, sweats and shorts but the shirts, t shirts and tanks I have no idea how. people should give girls an award for organizing these", he said flopping down next to a pile of cloths.

" Come on let me help you big baby", I kissed his forehead and streched my hand to get the shirt from Xavi's hand.

"Okay I'm going to separate your cloths according to their sleeves okay. this section is shirts, this section T shirts and this section Tanks. Hoodies and sweaters will be on the other side okay baby?'", I sat next to him but Xavi quickly lifted me onto his lap.

"I love you My Angel, so much that I don't know how to express in words babygirl", he said and kissed my forehead.

"I know how much you love me, and all the little things, the way over the top things you do to me shows how much you love me but more than them your love, care, respect and how much you make me laugh and loved. I love you so much Xavi", I told him and he kissed me hard.

Pulling away from the kiss he stared at me making me feel intimated to which I looked down and tried to cover my face.

"Hey! don't cover your face from me, I just wanted look at your face and the smile you had the whole day today. I feel so happy when I know I'm the reason behind your smile", Xavi told tucking a strand of hair behind my hair.

"You know that, only you can make me truly happy baby.", with that he lifted me into his arms and carried me to our new bed.

And no we didn't make love because we both know I'm not ready yet.

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