over my head

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It was around 9 pm when Seungkwan had been dropped off at the apartment complex by the seniors in his department, coming from another one of their eat-outs. He was surprised when he arrived at his floor and found a boy crouched on the ground by his door, sleeping.

He walked towards his apartment door with hesitation as each step he was getting closer to this random stranger.

Why is there a man near my door? Does he want something from me? Oh no, did I do something wrong?

However, he began to notice the familiar yellow beanie that slowly slid off to show this beautiful ruffled up brunette hair and a face he knew all too well.

"Hansol?" Seungkwan scrunched up his face in confusion and let out a sigh of relief. He looked around, unsure, like a mother who just found an abandoned baby at her doorstep. "Thank God. I was about to call the police."

"What is he doing here?" He crouched to the latter's level, setting down his backpack on the side, just like how Hansol had his own beside him.

Seungkwan felt reluctant to wake him up after seeing how peaceful he looked sleeping. He studied his face now that he had a closer look at it, and noticed how relaxed he was, seeing all his features in complete detail. Just like that one time when he got this close to Hansol's face and they bumped then fell on top of each other. Seungkwan winced in embarrassment from the memory, the uncomfortable experience with the latter still etched in his mind. But the moment flashed again. That flustered look on Hansol's face as his ears and cheeks turned red-


How can someone look this pretty when they're sleeping?

There it is again.

He shook his head. "What am I thinking?" he mutters silently, still looking at Hansol's face.

I should wake him up.

"Hansol," he was unsure how to get him to wake up, so he starts by tapping softly on his legs then patting his cheek. "Hansol." he calls out again, louder than before.

The boy stirred in his sleep which startled Seungkwan, flinching from the sudden groan from the latter. Hansol tried opening one eye, then the other as he batted his eyelashes— he looked innocent and like a cute kid.


Hansol widened his eyes upon seeing Seungkwan looking straight into his own brown orbs. "Seungkwan! You-" he jerked his head from the sudden appearance of the latter and accidentally hit it on the wall.

Hansol hissed in pain, placing his hand on his head from the harsh impact, then looked at Seungkwan who was hysterically laughing. The older couldn't contain his laughter upon seeing how flustered the younger was.

"M-my, I find you here, outside your apartment a-and all." he manages to say through giggles. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm laughing so much." he continues.

All Hansol could notice was the biggest smile on Seungkwan's face. Those white teeth as his lips parted and curved into a smile, his eyes closing tightly to form crescents, and that euphoric look on his face that would stand out from the usual grins he'd send him. His laughter was so contagious, it made him smile. Nearly forgetting the pain in his head.

"Hansol, why are you sleeping outside in the corridor?" the laughter dies down and they both pick up their bags.

"Long story short, I got locked out of the house, couldn't stay at Wonwoo's, and Joshua's house was too far-"

"But what about your keys?"

Hansol looked away, embarrassed, averting his eyes from him. "Shua has it and I forgot to get it back from him." he laughs lightly.

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