A Cuddle

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By eight pm all three boys were bundled beneath blankets on Changbin's bed, all in pyjamas and all in each other's arms. Jisung happily sat in the middle, his head resting on Chan's shoulder while Changbin had his arm around Jisung's small waist. Jisung wasn't the only happy one; Chan was so excited to be snuggled up with the two boys but kept his cool in front of them. Changbin was also trying to stay calm but his heart was racing. His lover and his crush were at his house, in his room, on his bed. How could he not get excited?

When Changbin tried to get up, Jisung grabbed his wrist before loosening his grip slightly.
"Where are you going?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.
"I was gonna get a drink and some crisps." Changin said. "Would you like anything?"
"A cuddle." The tired boy suggested. Both of the older two cracked a smile. Jisung sat upright, taking his head off of Chan and opening his arms for Changbin. Changbin wrapped his arms around Jisung and placed a small kiss on his cheek.
"Now can i go get a drink?" He asked, gaining a nod from the younger. As Changbin left the room, Chan encased Jisung in a tight embrace.
Changbin returned with a hot chocolate, a cup of coffee and a bottle of water from the fridge. He couldn't help but smile after noticing Jisung had fallen asleep on Chan.

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