For less than a second, I thought I saw a pained and wanting gaze. His eyes flinches ever so slightly that it was barely noticeable. My lips form into a frown immediately.

Before I could say anything, he speaks. "Lets go and eat now, shall we?" He asks me with an unsettling smile. "Follow me. I'll make you dinner."


His cooking was horrible.

I almost puked at the first bite and Theo's amused expression didn't help a single bit.

"That," I muster up the deadliest glare I could. "Was disgusting."

"I wasn't the one who asked for a 'home cooked meal,' was I?"

"You could've told me!" I say frantically.

He rolls his eyes. "You never asked."

I cross my arms and groan dramatically, receiving a scowl from Theo.

"Let's play 20 questions," he then adds happily, as if he just thought of the most wonderful idea. His scowl was long gone and the mischievous twinkle in his eyes returned.


"Whatever," he mumbles before continuing, disregarding my lack of interest. "Age?"

Why can't we drink wine or something?


"Just making sure we're legal," he says with a wink.

Not gonna lie, that was kinda hot.

Too bad, I do it better.

I look down, focusing on the table as if it was a thousand dollars. It probably was.

"21," I say under my breath.

"Great, I'm 23."

"You're old," I joke as I scrunch up my nose.

"Why? Does my dear mate prefer younger guys?" He stares at me with doe-like eyes as he leans on the palm of his hand.

So cute.

My breathing hitches. I try to ignore how ravishing he looked in this angle. My eyes travel unintentionally to his luscious lips and I quickly look away, hoping that he didn't spot that.

His lips curl into a smile.

He did notice.

Flustered, I clear my throat.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Yes I do. They are so much more tender hearted," I lie.

He growls lowly. "At least I can tell the difference between you're and your."

"Whatever," I say with a roll of my eyes and moved on to a new topic. "Favorite color? Mines blue and red."

"Black and red," Theo pauses, trying to think of a question. His eyes brightens with curiosity once again. "Weapon of preference?"

His Little MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now