The Incredible Hulk

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Hulk roars in a incredible rage as he smashes down onto a police car in Times Square, destruction spreads across it.

The Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man, Wasp, Vision, Hawkeye, War Machine, Winter Soldier, Falcon, and Black Widow) rush him as he swings at Captain America who dodges and slams his shield against his face as Wasp, Iron Man, and War Machine rain fire on him.

"Hulk stop this, you're endangering the people!" Cap shouts as Hulk looks at him enraged.

"You endangered now." He growls at him as he charges at Cap but Thor tackles him back.

"Banner were you're friends, don't do this!" Thor grunts as they wrestle each other down.

"NOT TO HULK!" He yells as he elbows down into Thor's neck, grabbing him and slamming him around till he sees me Mjnoir and bashes Thor's head down on it and throws him into Iron Man, sending them both flying into a building.

The rest of the team keep pressing fire on him as he throws around cars and swinging at them as Ant-Man ducks a incoming car and hitches a ride from Wasp as she flings him at Hulk, growing into Giant Man as a giant fist uppercuts Hulk into the sky.

"Vision finish him!" Cap orders as the Android flies after him. Hulk sees him and all he sees is red at this point.

"Sorry Banner but our fight must end." Vision says as his phasing hand reaches for his chest.

"FUCKING ROBOT!" He growls out as he grabs the Android's head and instantly crushes it, Vision's body goes grey and Hulk flings him across the sky.

"Shit! Cap what now!?" Clint asks as Cap tenses up.

"NATASHA, WHERE'S WANDA!?" Cap shouts at her as Nat keeps trying to contact her on her com.

"That woman won't answer!" Nat grunts as they see Ross's forces coming and see a Wakandan airship ascending down with the Black Panther and Okoye coming outta it.

"Couldn't stand by and let you guys take him without help." T'challa says.

Suddenly Doctor Strange and Wong walk up to the group.

"Wanda isn't here." Strange says.

"Where the hell could she possibly be!?" Cap snaps.

Spider-Man swings towards Time Squares as fast as he can, his heart racing.

"Don't let me too late."

Hulk jumps back at them as they try their best to slow him down but he pushes through even the Sorcerer Supreme's sorcery and breaks his hands and slams Wong into a store.

T'challa claws at him with Okoye slashing at him with her spear.

"PUNY WAKANDANS!" He shouts as he breaks T'challa's arm and slams him down onto Okoye, knocking them out cold.

Iron Man lands down and sends a massive blast at energy at him as he runs at him and knocks him back into a tank.

Wanda sits quietly with her tea as she watches the unbalanced fight from a building nearby, not showing any emotion towards it.

"Guys, Carol's incoming!" Rhodes say till he gets slammed down by the Hulk.

Hulk looks up to see a woman in a fiery mohawk rocketing down at him from the sky.

"HULK STRONGEST THERE IS!!!" He roars as he tenses up, his veins popping out and a green aura surrounding his body.

She goes into her binary form and in a instant a massive yellow explosion sweeps Midtown, shaking the whole city. Her helmet unforms as her hair falls to her shoulders, she smirks as she looks at the unmoving Hulk underneath her.

"Past tense I guess." She quips as she goes to check on everyone but Hulk pops from outta the rubble and punches her with all his strength.

She feels her soul fly out her body and come back when she crashes into the moon and the pain hits in. Her face feels shattered and the breath completely taken outta her lungs as she slowly gets up from the crater.

"Holy shit." She exhales as she rockets back to New York City.

Hulk continues to destroy Manhattan and fight the rest of the Avengers that can still put up a fight.

Spider-Man lands down and tries to web him up but he smacks him into a car as he grabs him and starts to crush him.

"HULK, YOU FIGHT ME!" Cap shouts, battle damaged and carrying both his shield and Thor's hammer.

Carol and Iron Man lands down besides him and The Wasp grows right next to them.

"You fight us." Carol says as she starts to glow.

Hulk tosses him into a alley as Hulk roars at them and clash with them, Spider-Man faintly hearing the commotion trying to get up.

Thought I'd find you here."  Wanda says, standing above him.

"Wanda...why aren't you helping us?" He groans.

"Oh Peter, the Hulk is merely my puppet." She covers her small smile with mouth, her eyes completely red.

"I don't understand." He looks at her confused but everything felt blurry.

"You will." she says as  she hovers away and minutes later he hears screaming and crunching sounds and everything goes black again.

"Why?" He murmurs out.

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