The Man in the shadows.

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Wanda finishes watching Charlie's Angels on the TV when she hears a knock at her door, opening it to reveal a man with red hair and a grey suit.

"Hello Wanda Maximoff, bout time we've met face to face." He smiles but it hid something underneath and she felt it..

"You must be Alexander Pierce, secretary I presume?" Wanda asks with a Stern voice, her hand gripping the door.

"Surprised you know me, I also know you live in this country illegally, falsified the adoption papers for Morales, your brother is helping the separatists out East, and you haven't told Mr Parker the whole truth of your origins." Pierce chuckled as Wanda's face just glares at him with murderous intent.

"Oh I know you wanna kill me on the spot but the truth is you're already too late." He smirks as a metallic arm grabs her by the hair and slams her into the wall, begining to choke her out with the other arm as armed troops enter the house and search around.

"Feel free to let loose anytime Wanda, just like you did back home." He says as he watches her face turn red, tears flowing down her face, and her eyes looking ready to burst as the brown haired man didn't stop.

Her eyes roll back and Pierce signals him to let her go, tossing her on the ground as she gasps for breath.

"I'm very disappointed in you Wanda, you treat your powers like a curse when it's a blessing all this time. Perhaps a few more decades back home will change your mind." Peirce says as he runs a lock of her hair through his hands and signals the troops to kick her around and drag her into the van as she kicks and screams but still refuses to use it.

"I want her taken extra care for, find her family and watch out for Dr Banner." Pierce tells a soldier as he lights a cigarette.

"Damn commies." He sighs.

Wanda wakes up disoriented in the armored van, chained up like a animal with geared soldiers watching over her. The taste of blood and the anxiety makes her sick..
The voices are coming back again and they want her to use her powers again, to just make chaos.

She closes her eyes and said all she sees is nothing but red as the metallic chain immediately snap off and the guards head immediately crush inside out as blood splatters the entire room.

"Hey what's going on there?" The soldier upfront ask till Wanda makes the van crash into the forest and explode into a fiery heap of scrap.

Covered in blood and mud she falls to the ground to see her leg bone ripped out and protruding out as she hears the soldiers approaching the crash site. She had to give into the darkness this once. She closes her eyes and sees nothing but red again as her injuries suddenly start to heal as she creates a fog of red making the soldiers be filled up with fear as one by one they implode into a bloody mess in the fog making some frantically fire randomly as heads and torsos are crushed everywhere.

She comes back to her senses and covers her mouth at the gruesome sight around her as she runs off into the forest crying.

"Hey Dad, the house door is open." Miles points out as they pull up.

"Honey!" Peter shouts as he rushes inside to see the house ransacked with a massive dent against the wall.

"The hell happened here!?" Miles gasps.

"Shit, they must've known." Bruce mutters as Peter searches everywhere for her.

"She's not even here, they must've taken her!"

"How? Mom would've kicked anyone's ass if they messed with her!?"

"I'm gonna go out to find her, both of you stay here and do not leave!" Peter shouts as he jumps into the car and drives into the night.

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