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He enters the shower, he feels relief as the warm water soaks down on him, calming.

His Spider-sense goes off but nothing is happening as he looks around as hands reach out of the shower walls and floors and grab him.

She appears behind him naked and grabs onto the side of his head.

"No more Spider-Man." She whispers as he falls endlessly into a dark void, his screams just echo into silence.


Miles Morales finished patrolling today as he walks on home, he notices something in the distance as he squints his eyes to see a Spider-Man suit just laying on the ground, nobody even picking it up and walking around it. He walks over and picks it up.

It was clean, undamaged, and definitely wasn't his size. He puts it in his bag wondering what just happened.

Peter wakes up gasping as he looks around the almost empty clear room. He goes over to the closet and only finds female clothing and a few shirts and pants his size.

"Morning sweetie." She walks in with a bright smile, her hair straighten.

"Oh, morning?"

"Breakfast is ready, better hurry before it gets cold!" She walks outta the room, her smile made him feel warm but a faint nudge in the back of his head made him feel uncertain about it. He gets dressed and heads downstairs where he sees a massive breakfast buffet spread out on the table.

"Woah! You really did all this!?" The thought left his head as she pecks him on the cheek and sits down.

"Took awhile but made it all just right!"

Each bite was definitely made him feel great as he eat everything off his plate in 10 seconds till his smart watch goes off reminding him to get to work.

"Oh dear, seems I might be running a bit late." He rushes over to her and kisses her before grabbing his camera and heading towards the door.

"Wait, you didn't notice anything about me at all?" She smiles as he turns around and guesses.

"Well besides the hair and dress you are glowing todaa..." He stops and rushes over and lifts her up effortlessly with glee.

"I'm gonna be a father!" He exclaims to the world as they embrace each other and laugh.

"How many weeks are you in?"

"2, this is so wonderful!" She kisses him and gently pushes him towards the door. "We'll talk more about it later Peter!" She chuckles as he shouts for joy as he runs off.

"It really is." She smiles as she looks down and rubs her belly.

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