Fěicuì lóng

-understandable. Let's see I did Ladybug so Chatte or Drakon?

Hacker Extrordinaire


Fěicuì lóng

-So Chatte is the opposite of Ladybug holding the cat ring of destruction. As her name states she can destroy anything she touches once she activates her power mainly though it the item that holds the akuma though in some cases it's been streets and the such so that way the victim can be restrained.

Hacker Extrordianaire

-noted has she ever used her power on a person

Fěicuì lóng

-almost back during Dark Cupid she almost used her power on Ladybug if it hadn't been for Drakon.

Hacker extrordinaire

-wow so Is Drakon there leader or something?

Fěicuì lóng

-Yeah he is he's owns the ear cuffs of the Dragon of balance his job is to balance out Ladybug and Chatte so that way they won't do something they'll regret. He's also the most powerful member of the team having both Ladybug and Chatte's powers along with power over flight, fire, ice, lightning, and earth. But recently it was discovered that he balances out all the miraculous since the appearance of Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee. But those three aren't around enough for me to tell you much about them having only just made an appearance.

Hacker Extrordinaire

-Wow nice heads up now I can tell my Bruce to leave Damian behind since he has anger management issues along with Jason.

Fěicuì lóng

-Don't do that to your brothers. By the way which hotel are you staying at maybe I'll come by and see you and we can talk face to face.

Hacker Extrordinaire

-We are actually staying at our mansion in Paris. Bruce is pretty rich.

Fěicuì lóng

-Wow you do seem a lot better than all the rich kids I've met.

Hacker extrordianiare

-let me guess bratty snobby and stuck up.

Fěicuì lóng

-Blame Chloe for that mind you Ari is not bad and all but she does need a bit more of a backbone to stand up against Mr. Agreste.

Hacker Extrordinaire

-Wait you know Chloe?

Fěicuì lóng

-unfortunately she's my classmate her father choose the school due to the fact that it let's the kids out for lunch and he kind of wants her home for that since her mother is in town and since Chloe prefers food from her personal chefs compared to everywhere else. She's rude at times though she is reliable when you need her to be.

"Lloyd dinner" Mom called up since I was in my room

"Coming in just a moment let me put on a shirt" I called back

Fěicuì lóng

-Well got to go mom is calling for dinner since the bakery is going to be open late tonight I got to go help my parents and my sister.

Hacker Extrordianire

-Cool maybe I can come to you then which Bakery?

Fěicuì lóng

-Now where is the fun in that?

Hacker extrordinaire


Fěicuì lóng

-No it's not that I don't want to see you it's just that my friends and I are planning on going ice skating the day after you arrive. So yeah thought you'd like some rest before I spilled the location.

Hacker Extrordinaire

- I'm touched....but I'll be fine.

Fěicuì lóng

-Get some rest and if you want see me As I said the day after you arrive I'll be at the Palis de Ice at 3. GTG.

I closed my phone before heading down stairs. "So Cute boy" Mom asked as I sat down

"MOM!"I shouted going a few octaves higher than I should have.

"Honey Lloyd will tell us when he is good and ready to" dad said

"Besides Alya want to see this person first since her Lloyika ship sank along with Lori when Ari and I started to talk to one another more often."Mari said

"Mphm" I said face slamming my head into the counter.

Mom, Dad, and Mari had a laugh at my expense, great.

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