Healing something broken Pt 1

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Inspired by harrish6 Healing What Has Been Broken.

Chapter 1 Tired

There's a whole in my heart

Every since Error woke up in this "Error" body he tries to enjoy his second chance at life while protecting and helping out Aus. But it seems it was never meant to be when he first met Ink. Ever since that day everything went down hill from there. Error tries to talk reason into Ink about his job and why he destroys Aus but the creator didn't listen. Because of this Error couldn't go to Aus without getting acttck first he tries to define himself or talking it out but always fail.

Error: Please will someone listen.

My soul is bleeding

By now Error learn his lesson he can't be nice just trying to only bring him more pain. He didn't like to feel pain or the insults throw his way but to Error it was ok. He knows they didn't know the truth and they just scared for their lives. Knowing this still didn't stop the pain he felt inside his soul everytime it happens. Sometimes Error wish he could go back to try harder to reason with Ink maybe things would had been different blaming himself.

Error: Am I not trying hard enough?

I need to free my mind

These days Error been real tired both physicals and mentally Ink has been on so many created spreads. It was getting harder and harder for him to keep up at this point he was on Auto pilot. Error hated being on Auto pilot he doesn't likes not knowing what he is doing while destroying but something good came out of it one day. Blueberry yes blue his first friend and only friend but ink took that away too.

Error: I should have known better.

And see what I'm feeling

Sometimes Error try to keep his feeling in and not have a break down. He already cried enough in the anti void with the kind voices. They always try to clam him down when he gets into a fight with ink or something someone said. Most days his despair gets to much for him and he let ink acttcks hit him. Making him want to scream out in pain but kept himself silence.

'Cause Lord knows,
Lord knows, I'm

He always wonders if there was a god out there watching all this enjoy the view. Is this what they wanted for Error to suffer in this new life. To feel pain, shame and guilt from destroying Aus. For him to hear their screams begging for mercy whatever hell they in. Looking at him like he a true Monster with no remorse.

Error: I'm not like that I will never be like that!

Tired of the way he treats me

Error never understands why he feels hurt emotionally when ink acttck him or call him names. Whenever Ink looks at the destroyer with so much hate. Error will feel ashamed of himself like he disappoints an elder sibling. He doesn't even know why just that its pains him so. He wants ink to be proud of him giving a kind smile towards him and pats his head but also didn't know why he wanted that.

Error: I'm sorry.

Tired of the guilty feelings (tired)

Destroying Aus was killing Error in the inside he wishes they would listen to him about his support system. But no matter what he says they didn't believe him leading for him to kill the people,monsters of that Au. Hearing their screams will forever hurt error knowing he did this. Taking away people,monsters lives for others just to keep a balance. Knowing he couldn't save them because he couldn't try harder. Maybe he should let ink acttck hit him more after all he deserves it.

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